I have a blocker on my computer that won't allow me to access the site but I really want to take the test. Anyone interested in posting all 12 pretties on the site for me?
Just thought I'd ask.
do the test: http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=15460.
my score:.
a very good score!
I have a blocker on my computer that won't allow me to access the site but I really want to take the test. Anyone interested in posting all 12 pretties on the site for me?
Just thought I'd ask.
i had no idea what to expect!...................as in the case of most jws.
since sex is strickly forbidden before marriage.
at the time (1970's) kissing was even frowned at too.
I don't have any bad memories of my first time other than the fact that it wasn't with my husband.
We were both virgins and I remember everything like it happened yesterday.
yep, i did.
i got 'privately reproved' after rushing to the elders to confess my sin after losing my virginity via fornicating.
i think all that shame and guilt and legalism that flowed on from that experience must've f*cked me up a bit, scuse the pun.
I was never jw but I do have a story to tell.
When I was 19 I began to go to this small church of about 50 or so members. It was real tight, like family.
I had just come out of a premisicous time in my life and men could probably tell by looking at me at that time that I was 'that kind of girl.'
Needless to say, I brought my boyfriend to that church and had an awful run-in with the Pastor. We would often meet in a make-shift living area in the garage on Sunday and Wednesday nights. I have great memories as I was in college at this time and free as a bird to do as I pleased. It was great.
Well, one night that Pastor brought my boyfriend and I out to the backyard away from everyone else. He told my boyfriend he needed to stop rubbing my back and playing with my hair during the message. It was rather distracting for him and it had to stop. Little did I know that there was a REASON why it bothered him. That issue revealed itself in the ugliest of ways.
Because of my sins, I went to my Pastor and his wife and confessed that I was having sex with my boyfriend. The man drilled me in front of his wife and wanted to know DETAILS of what we had done. I was pretty naive at the time but I remember feeling really uncomfortable about the whole thing. He was angry with me and told me that I could put all the guys I had been with (there really weren't THAT many, honest) in a brown paper bag and put one out and I wouldn't know the difference. I'll never forget that night.
Well, as time went on I began to realize this Pastor was sick in the head. He would take me to L.A. for lunch and I was suppose to keep it a secret. He would tell me I looked good enough to eat and I just though he was complementing me because he was a married 50 yr old pastor who certainly didn't mean THAT! Yikes
It was years later after I left the church that the truth has come about. My sister distanced myself from me because she didn't believe I was telling the truth. She married the Pastor's son....great guy....and the pastor bold-face lied about the whole thing....in the Holy Name of Jesus. Yikes
I don't recommend going to anyone of the opposite sex and telling them anything like that if you feel the need to confess your guilty conscience. It was a huge learning lesson for me but I did not lose faith in God over it. I learned that man is man and God is bigger than that!
i was on business in the area of my old congregation ( i live out of state)- the one i first got baptized in back in 1973. they were just getting started on their discussion before service- it was 9:03 am and i just impulsively turned into the parking lot and decided to pay them a surprise visit.
i just walked into the kh and looked at them for 30 seconds.
i didn't recognize anyone and finally they asked me what i wanted.
That is very exciting news and not an accident that you met this gentleman. Perhaps you should have business cards made up with this website on it. You can get them FREE at www.vistaprint.com. Just an idea!!!
They will be quick draw cards....you never know when you will need them!
are in turmoil?.
i have been watching my witness mother refuse to confront her many problems with my father and brothers...instead running out at every opportunity to knock on her nieghbor's doors and tell them how some men in new york think they should be living their lives and running their household, calling it the "truth"...all while anyone who knows her knows what a mess her home life is.. .
for one i think she should be a bit more selective on what she defines as truth..for two i don't think she can lead by example only empty hypocritical words.. .
Because it's easier, that's why.
earthquake off coast of japan may cause tsunami, center says .
by steven bodzin.
jan. 12 (bloomberg) -- a powerful earthquake off the coast of japan drew a tsunami warning across much of the pacific.
I live on the Long Beach Peninsula and we wake up when Japan has quakes. Haven't heard anything yet. Hope nothing comes of it. Don't like tsunami evacuations much. Kids get scared and it is snowing outside. burrrr
i would be interested to hear from the ladies about women that go after married men.
why do some seek them out over single guys?
i remember years ago reading an article about them but i do not remember much.
Forgive me if I am out of line but I think it might be wise to tell your wife about these women flirting with you. It's easy to entertain the thoughts in our minds and possibly look forward to the next time it happens. My famous saying is Mold Can't Grow in the Sunlight.
I have had friends that have cheated and I don't have any respect for them, regardless of their big WHY for doing it. Just isn't right no matter how we candy coat it.
Perhaps you don't have the beaten dog look after all. lol
your color prefence can tell you about your personality and hidden secrets...........you can take the "color test" in a book call the "luchser color test" by max luchser they give you 8 colors to arrange.
a great book.
when i thinking of dating someone they get the test first thing..........it saves alote of time for meand them...........i don't date people who choose green, black or grey in first poistion.. nb.
I really enjoy blues and greens. They are calming colors to me.
just thought i would pop in here to tell you all that i am 3 months pregnant!
it was quite a shock.
my husband and i have been married for 5 years.
We share the same story. I have 3 girls: 12, 11 & 9 years old. Hubby always wanted to try for a boy. I was so done with having babies I can't even tell you!
When I found out I was pregnant I cried and cried and cried. I knew God was responsible for this little creation but I was afraid because of my age (I was 36) , didn't want to start all over again and life was changing all over again. Not happy.
Everyone told me that it was going to be okay and they were really supportive and listened to my fears and my tears.
All I could say is that this baby BOY was the biggest blessing to our family. I had to go through many heart changes and believe me, it was tough. But the miracle of his addition to our family and brought so much joy to our lives and my children absolutely adore him.
Your pregnancy may be different because you are a bit more mature than you were when you had your other children. But, you ARE more mature and that in an of itself is so wonderful. More patience, more wisdom, it's awesome.
Blessings to you and keep me posted. I would love to be a support to you during this time as I truly know the roller coaster ride of an unexpected pregnancy!
i am not talking about questions or inquirying about what to do with a problem.. when you post what are some of the reasons you give your thoughts on matters?.
for me, i enjoy talking to others who can understand my experience but more importantly for me, i know there are lurkers or people right on the fringes who are sick of all of it.
i try to give a biblical explanation on matters that shows the error of going beyond the things written.
I originally started posting because I want to learn more about the hold the wts has on the jw's.
Now I post because I am drawn to help others who are hurting. I am hoping I can be some source of light to those who are in a very dark place right now. I enjoy helping other people and even though I have never been a jw, I do have a heart and want to be an encouragement in any way I can.