I saw 3 pictures of men today on Yahoo that really liked her. One of them enough to cheat on his wife for the last 10 yrs. Hmmmm.....appears she liked the older ones.
JoinedPosts by onlycurious
Shunned by the congregation for not performing
by truthseeker inas many of you know, i am a witness who still attends for the sake of my wife.
my meeting attendance has dropped to about 50% and i make maybe 1 hour a month in field service, although i report more than this to keep the elder's off my back.. after several months of this, the result has been noticeable.. those who used to be friendly and greet me no longer do so.
some even avoid me.
This may be a great opportunity for your wife to see the truth of what the WTS really is. Hang tight for the ride, maybe she will jump on board with you!
It really is too bad someone doesn't step up to the plate (Dateline or some news station) and expose this for what it really is. It may not have much of an impact with those in the WTS but it will certainly persuade people to keep their doors shut.
HELP! I need some answers.....
by onlycurious ini spoke with my jw friend yesterday and was very surprised when she was discussing a woman in her cong that is committing adultry.
i know the woman and told my friend i am surprised they didn't df her years ago.
she cheats on hubby on a regular basis but nothing seems to have been done about it.. so, i said, "let me ask you this.
Thanks for all your responses. This gives me quite a few ways to springboard into a great conversation. She had someone she deeply cared for romantically but they were only friends. He was DF'd and she said she still babysat his daughter because he needed a sitter.
Believe me, in some ways she is not the normal dub.
I think there on to me...
by thebiggestlie inmaybe i'm just a bit paranoid but i think my parents may be on to me.
i hope i didn't blow my cover.... i was out with some jw kids and realised that i left all my "apostate" research and my notebook out on my desk in my room.
when i got home my mother was crying in her room.
Lisa...You are AWESOME!
See, you have a cyber family growing underneath your feet.
I think there on to me...
by thebiggestlie inmaybe i'm just a bit paranoid but i think my parents may be on to me.
i hope i didn't blow my cover.... i was out with some jw kids and realised that i left all my "apostate" research and my notebook out on my desk in my room.
when i got home my mother was crying in her room.
Are you a Senior being homeschooled? Do you have a job? Do you have your own means of transportation?
I say play it cool until you able to get your ducks in a row and live on your own. Think about your future. Patience is a virtue and just suck up the phoniness of it all for a season in your life.
Perhaps there is someone on this board that is near you....that would be helpful too.
HELP! I need some answers.....
by onlycurious ini spoke with my jw friend yesterday and was very surprised when she was discussing a woman in her cong that is committing adultry.
i know the woman and told my friend i am surprised they didn't df her years ago.
she cheats on hubby on a regular basis but nothing seems to have been done about it.. so, i said, "let me ask you this.
Thanks. I am wondering though if she is going to say they are loving them by disciplining them when they have done something wrong. Also, I am fairly certain she is going to use 1 Corinthians 5:9-11
I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with any who claim to be fellow believers but are sexually immoral or greedy, idolaters or slandereres, drunkards or swindlers. With such persons do not even eat.
I know this passage will be presented to me as a way of justifying their policy. However, the Bible is very clear that Jesus did not shun anyone. If fact, he ATE with the tax collectors, spoke with the prostitutes, healed on the Sabbath, LOVED everyone and completely went against the grain.
Do you think the arguement is going to just be "we aren't Jesus."
HELP! I need some answers.....
by onlycurious ini spoke with my jw friend yesterday and was very surprised when she was discussing a woman in her cong that is committing adultry.
i know the woman and told my friend i am surprised they didn't df her years ago.
she cheats on hubby on a regular basis but nothing seems to have been done about it.. so, i said, "let me ask you this.
I spoke with my jw friend yesterday and was very surprised when she was discussing a woman in her cong that is committing adultry. I know the woman and told my friend I am surprised they didn't df her years ago. She cheats on hubby on a regular basis but nothing seems to have been done about it.
So, I said, "Let me ask you this. If she were df, would you practice your shunning policy?" Her answer was, "Yes." This surprised me because she is such a nice person. Different in many ways than most jw's, not just because she is nice. She is just more liberal than most. ie...she set foot in my church a few times and is friends with A LOT of non-jw's.
I told her I was completely surprised she would do that and she said it really depended upon who it was. If it was her sister....she would still have contact. She said she just couldn't adhere to shunning her sister. Regarding others, she still smiles at them but just doesn't associate.
I explained this was completely foreign to me and I didn't understand where they would get that. I went in to a few stories of people in leadership in my church that had done the 'unspeakable' and how it was dealt with. (counsel and restoration, not shunning)
She said she is going to bring in the scriptures for me so I understand her TEXTBOOK answers. Funny, but the answers she had were word for word the same as my other jw employee. But they aren't "brainwashed?"
Any suggestions on scriptures I could use that would be effective in refuting the shunning policy?
This is just so awesome, I have to share it!!!
by zagor ini was taking a break from this board but in a last few days there has been unexpected development in my own family.
my mom is leaving wtbs!!!
she apparently celebrated christmas with dad but even that was just a tip of the iceberg.
Very Very GOOD!!!!! 3 cheers to your mom!
I hope the 2 of you have a blast!
Interesting article on major religions and fringe cults
by fullofdoubtnow ini just found this article as i was browsing through religious news items.
the writer makes some very interesting points about religion in general, and, of course, the jws get a mention in the paragraph referring to cults.. http://www.progressiveu.org/130746-major-religions-fringe-cults-time-to-take-a-look-in-the-mirror.
major religions & fringe cults: time to take a look in the mirrori find it amusing that so many people who belong to major religious organisations look upon the horrible practices of the fringe cults without any sense of irony.
While this is definately food for thought, the author blankets too much for my taste. I have belonged to many different Christian denominations over the past 20 years, I have not once been a part of a church that has practiced shunning or any sort of sociological control that would classify them as being a cult.
I have spoken to my children on numerous occasions that they only know what they are being taught. Someday, they will have to own their own faith and decide if they want to hold the same morals and values we have chosen to teach them. We would hope that they would continue to follow the same faith but in the next breath, I tell them that regardless....we will love them all the same.
I have seen alcoholism, sexual misconduct, adultrous relationships, divorce...you name it....I've seen it happen here and there within the church walls. While I will admit not every church handles these situations perfectly, I have never seen anyone shunned or treated poorly. In fact, most people prayerfully consider the situation and try to offer assistance to the family and to the person who caused the grief. Now, if the person is in leadership and did something really big like committ adultry....then they are asked to step down from leadership for a season to receive counselling. I've seen this happen.
The author is misleading based upon a few situations that may have occurred within the masses. I don't know about all the other religions because I am not part of that nor have I studied up on it, but for this faith, I don't believe it is a cult.
Oh....and I haven't been brainwashed.
How I sent my letter
by truthsetsonefree innow that some time has passed i can say how i made my protest to watchtower.
i mailed that letter using the "special blue" envelopes used only for judicial correspondence.
so i know that it did not go through the usual channels for correspondence.
Crafty. Very crafty.
Did you hear how it went?