My father and I had this conversation right after I was married, almost 16 yrs ago. I stood firm on my position back then that if Gerry cheated on me I was out of there.
His response was not well understood at the time but I have a greater understanding now that I have some time under my belt.
He said that after being married to my mother for so many years, he wouldn't be willing to throw all those years away because of one mistake. It just wasn't worth it to him.
Now that I have endured through some very hard times with my man and have grown to love him in a much deeper way that I did when we first married, I understand this statement.
I think it is important to really weigh out many issues. It's very personal and shouldn't be blanketed with a 'yes' or 'no'. Until we've been there and really felt the pain of adultry, I don't really know that we understand the severity this has on a relationship.
I would want to take the life of both parties or have my husbands dealie on a platter. I would probably need a big time-out, lots of counselling and healing. The trust would never fully be restored.
I also would need to know if this was a one-night stand or a 'sneak behind my wife's back for an all-out affair" kind of fling. That spells out even more about a persons character.
It's also important to remember that each and every one of us is certainly capable of cheating. You've heard the saying, "There but for the grace of God go I."