Who Do You Think Will Be The Next American Idol?
ME... of course!
*sings... "like a virgin" while pretending to be sexy*
i love this show.
i did not watch the last one but this one has been quite good.
i really don't like corey.
Who Do You Think Will Be The Next American Idol?
ME... of course!
*sings... "like a virgin" while pretending to be sexy*
wow i joined a discussion board...
first off, i have been lurking for about six months.
how i came to this site is (and bear with me please).
WELCOME To the board ChaosMama... Love your name!... lol
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
I CAN'T believe you said this!!:
One thing that comes to mind is to let the Iraqi people take care of Saddam. Most of them hate him. Given enough time, they will settle their score with him.
You mean... like CUBA with castro?... Most people HATE Castro... but they can't do ANYTHING about it... MANY have tried... but to no avail....
"Leave it to the Iraqi People!?!??!?!" Riiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttt.....
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
That's one reason why I am now living seven thousand miles from my home.
OR... the real reason MIGHT be that the F.B.I is after your tail...
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
I can infer from your post that you are an articulate intelligent person. BUT… I think that what you just posted is ALL B.S. NewSense you are a HYPOCRITE when you say you "Love the U.S. with all your heart" … IF that is so… can you explain WHY would you cheer for a terrorist group like the "macheteros"? I wish Simon hadn't removed that post of yours so that everyone could read it… but you basically cheered for them saying: "viva los macheteros!, viva Che Guevara!, viva Puerto Rico Libre!"… I already explain who that terrorist group is and you didn't give any response to your ANTI-AMERICAN, hatred-filled statements ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/48560/2.ashx ). You support a terrorist organization and therefore you are being hypocritical on your statements that you "love America"… why don't you come out as you really are and stop pretending to be someone you're NOT !?
P.S. a quick google seach for "los macheteros" would give you MANY links… I found this one particularly interesting: http://www.fiu.edu/~fcf/cuprfargo.html
hi i'm 12 turning 13 in a while & i am utopian_raindrops daughter & cassandracain's sister.
i had gotten interested in this forum & then found this site at school about galileo & i told my mom she should post it on the forum but then i went no i want to plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
and so i am goin to share this with you ^_^.
Love the quote!... Welcome to the board Vash!
ive started a bible study.
my cousin (63 yrs.
old by the way) is very well versed in his scripture.
Given the history of your uncle... and his past "rebel" ways... I would take a chance to see what HE has to say... who knows... maybe you two would agree more than you think... and like bikerchic said... maybe he'll become an apostate... :)
i posted this on another thread, but i thought a new thread might help get the ball rolling: .
i have a simple question for all those that believe this war is solely about oil: .
what exactly do you believe bush is going to do with the oil fields after the war?.
I wish it were that humanitarian reasons were the major focus, but of course politics and money are the prime movers in our world. That will never change.
That is true... and it would be naive to think that Oil doesn't play a part of this whole puzzle... but what I think some of us disagree on is for instance the NAME of this thread "Bush JUST wants the oil"... as if Oil is THE ONLY motivation for the U.S. actions... BTW... if that was the case there would've been OTHER ways to accomplish that without the huge expense of war...
i posted this on another thread, but i thought a new thread might help get the ball rolling: .
i have a simple question for all those that believe this war is solely about oil: .
what exactly do you believe bush is going to do with the oil fields after the war?.
Xander you said:
WTF do you get this from?
Here it is:
Iraqi Oil Money May Be Used for Humanitarian Relief |
(edited: Article removed... posted in previous post... thanks ThiChi) |
i posted this on another thread, but i thought a new thread might help get the ball rolling: .
i have a simple question for all those that believe this war is solely about oil: .
what exactly do you believe bush is going to do with the oil fields after the war?.
Xander...you went on the record man!!... lol
I should add, if the US DID do that - fly the troops home after deposing Saddam - and letting the UN take over....well...I'd have to seriously re-evaluate my position on the current administration.I will hold you to that when all this is over... lol