Ohhhhhh...... 'pootie'...
once upon a time there was a set of siamese twins, who looked nothing alike, had never been conjoined, had been born to different parents, and in different years.
their albino glow is what held them together, and kept them separate from the world.
the albino siamese twins were put in a travelling freak show.
Ohhhhhh...... 'pootie'...
i am just desperate .
recently disassociated after 27 years - 12 disfellowshipped) having read ray franz and others now know some of the truth about the 'truth' still struggling to comprehend .
but have lost my exquisite female friend kasandra in the turmoil (she seems to have always been very similar to born again christians (hysterically emotional and no bible study) - also now into spiritualism and is now showing it) and i need meaningful bible discussion (especially with her) not anger and recrimination or pseudo intelectuallity - just people .
Glad you joined us... welcome... glad you're moving forward. Sorry to hear about your friend only time will tell... we'll try to help.
Stick around... and keep posting
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
i assume you are cuban!?
No I am not.
the embargo was partially lifted in 1974 but trade with the west did not exceed 1 billion dollars because of restrictions set by the US.
There WAS trade... that was my point.
was kennedy who signed the real document in feb. 1962 so thats a point for you
Thank you
the real break down came only after the USSR got to weak to support castro anymore.
Again, Thank you so much!... finally we agree on something... so it WAS NOT the embargo itself that did it...
I guess we won't agree on a lot of things... and honestly often you make my blood presure go up... but It's interesting debating with you so as long we don't get personal.
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
lol @ Brummie...
You're right... we have veered off the topic a little bit...so going back to the original topic...for me the best country in the world even with ALL it's flaws and mistakes... is the United States of America! and I am NOT deeply ashamed to be an American.
I just CAN'T let it go when people post things like:
As an American, born some 45 years ago in the United States, I currently feel nothing but disgust and nausea; I am truly and deeply ashamed to be an American.
and then on this thread the same person posts:
I love america with all my heart
Either multiple personalities... and/or in need of his medication.
president bush agrees to more inspectors in iraq
(ap) washington dc saturday, march 18, 2003 8:45 pm .
president george bush has announced that the us will not attack iraq.
That's great DR!... lol... They wanted inspectors... let's give them some...
(waiting for the response of the extreme left on the board)
ok, you know you have read one too many apostafest threads when you start dreaming about them!.
<sigh> Not even in DREAMS I get lucky!
please.....learn from my mistakes: .
don't highlight your hair at home with one of those new "kits" that offers hair color and highlighting.
my mistake: not knowing how to highlight.
LOL @ Teenyuck!! you remind me of one of my oldest sisters... the weirdest most funniest things always happened to her...
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
Castro took over in 1958 and the embargo started in 1962... and in 1974 was partially lifted... then AS RECENTLY as 1992 the embargo was put back to it's original status... So... from 1974 - 1992 there WAS trading and business between the U.S. and Cuba.
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
Thanks blondie,
I understand that PR has had votes on whether to be independent or not and the majority of the voters have turned down independence.
Very true... a referendum was held in 1992(?) and people chose the status quo (common wealth)(the same status as Washington D.C.) for P.R. almost the other half voted for statehood... and an EXTREMELY low number of people about 3% voted for independence.
I remember Cuba being a beautiful place to vacation, with clubs, hotels, beaches that were world reknown but that was before Castro.
Very true... just ask ANY of the Cubans that fled Cuba when that happened... THEY will tell you how Cuba REALLY was BEFORE Castro... that's why A LOT of these people especially that first generation that came to the U.S. (Miami, P.R. etc.) have very fond memories of their Cuba... the Cuba that they have in their memories is diametrically different to Castro's Cuba.
What else can I say... Realist and NewSense... "Birds of a feather"...
since everyone (from the dixie chicks to newsense) seems to agree that the usa is the worst country on earth (perhaps "the great beast" even?
) and the usa does not "do" enough to help everyone else on earth, a short poll: .
1. what country is the best on earth today...ie: no taxes, free everything, no military, no enemies, no borders, free food, no crime, no locks on anything, no politicians, etc.
NewSense you said:
I was trying to show that I knew something about Puerto Rican culture.
You showed that you know very little about it.
Regarding the machateros being terrorists, all I can say is that is a "loaded term." One man's "freedom fighter" or "revolutionary hero" is another man's "terrorist."
from the article that I posted in a previous post:
" Clinton offered clemency to some members of the closely allied FALN, the Spanish acronym for the Armed Forces of National Liberation, and Los Macheteros - ''The Machete Wielders.'' The FALN claimed credit for bombing scores of targets on the mainland United States; its 1975 bombing of Fraunces Tavern in New York killed four and injured 63. Los Macheteros, with the exception of the $7.1 million Wells Fargo robbery in West Hartford in 1983, limited itself to a separate front, bombing and assassinating targets in Puerto Rico. "
So bombing, assassinating and robbing (among other things) MAY not be terrorism for you... well it is for me... They are ACTS OF TERROR. Acts specifically AGAINST the United States... yeah... for their own cause... so tell me... for you PERSONALLY do you THEN think that what happened on September 11th was NOT an act of terrorism? and How DIFFERENT were those acts from the acts of "los macheteros"?
In regards, to "Puerto Rico libre" I totally believe that Puerto Rico should be given total independence.
I respect your personal opinion but the opinion of the other 96% of the population that live in the island that does NOT want total independence from the U.S. is the one that counts.
My little remark about los machateros was stated in jest; I was just being ironic. I was trying to show that I knew something about Puerto Rican culture.
If that is true...I would take back all the things that I THOUGHT about telling you but I had to hold back because I didn't wanted to be banned from this board... But you have to understand that just as you have the right to say what you want (that in my opinion was SUPPORT for a terrorist organization) I also have the right to defend my country just as THOUSANDS of Puerto Ricans living on the Island AND on the U.S. mainland are doing right now in the middle east... including a lot of my dear friends.
Realist... lol
do you know what the situation was in cuba before castro took over? people were terribly poor, there were no schools etc. that some hate castro now is due mostly to the poverty caused by the US embargo.
It is OBVIOUS how little you know about Spanish-American History...
Before Castro took over Cuba was flourishing, Cuba was growing... people had businesses... and you have a variety of social classes there... people believed Castro's intentions were noble... and YES they supported him in the beginning but when he became a tyrant they realized his REAL intentions and Cuba declined to the communitst Cuba it is today.
Do you know WHEN the embargo happened?... lol... Cuba was ALREADY in shambels!!... it WAS NOT because of the embargo that Cuba became what it is today... it might have helped to make it worse YES... was THAT the cause NO.