Lars, at every critical moment when common folk wondered what to make of Jesus, he never ever gave them numbers.
So the story goes in Lu.7:17 that John the Baptist didn't check his calendar to see if Jesus was the One:"And this report concerning him (Jesus) pervaded all Judea, and all the surrounding country. And John's disciples told him of all these things. And summoning two of his disciples, John sent to the Lord, saying, "Art thou the coming one? Or are we to expect another?"
And having come to him, the men said, "John the Immerser sent us to thee, saying, 'Art thou the coming one? or are we to expect another?'"
And in that hour he delivered many from diseases, and plagues and evil spirits; and he gave sight to many blind persons.
And Jesus answering, said to them,"Go, tell John what you have seen and heard; the blind are made to see, the lame to walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, glad tidings are announced to the poor; and happy is he who is not stumbled at me."
Once again, Jesus is so lame about saying who he is (just kidding, of course).
He does stuff that little kids could "get". Dummies. Even women.
If the main support for proving who is the Messiah is numbers, history and archeology the more obvious that such evidence can only cause you to do one thing:you just will have to shout louder. And you are obliged to read the next book and the next of a lot of people.
Lars, If you were Jesus, wouldn't you be glad that people loved you for more than your superior bible knowledge? Look at the posts that others have made previously. Don't you see that they "get" the real message-the good news? It is about love.
Lars, will the good news change with the 2nd coming? (sorry-that should be another post)