Before I was a Witness,I knew enough of how words and writing developed among humans to understand why the WTS was set on "accurate knowledge". But over time my personal study convinced me that literal knowledge of the biblical past was unlikely--at least in the manner the JWs presented it.
But there was one story that I knew was wrong even before I had studied up on it--before I ever met the JWs. I hated the way the literature (especially the MY BOOK OF BIBLE STORIES) always says God told Abraham to kill and burn his son. Simply not the word that Abraham had usedin connection with his drama with God--- in any translation.
I raised it with elders in one congregation and they told me to talk to the CO next visit--They weren't disturbed with me at all--probably figured I was just a stressed sister w/ unbelieving mate. The CO was very cautious of the topic, mostly refreshed my memory for who the slave was and did I know the care with which our food/info was developed. I reminded him that considering the literature infallible was expressly denied by the WTS in opening chapters of the PROCLAIMERS' book--and did he think we should stop reading the bible if the literature told us all we needed? No, he didn't think that was right. He wasn't mean to me, but he wasn't able to help me. He said maybe I needed to put it as" a question from readers."
I soon learned that was a dead end if you hoped the FDS would study and pray on it.
I knew an old pioneer sister who had a son in the writing dept. at Bethel. When she heard I had a concern about the matter, she said she would run it by her son. I had a premonition of the outcome.......He said nothing showed up in the reference literature on it. That's how the holy spirit works? I wondered.
Ultimately I wrote th brothers in my last congregation about no longer being able to say what the bible itself didn't express. Making a statement like that did draw fire. I knew it would. The brothers throughout the next several months were neve free to reason from the scriptures while I had to see the judgemnt passed on me by the Corp, that was itself revealing.
The elders were not free to read and think with me.
The dime dropped in slo-mo for me but drop it did.Especially distubing was the brother that we had always depended on to have "the mind of Christ". He couldn't grasp that even if I was WRONG about my concern, I had to live with my conscience.
The letters leading up to my expulsion/leaving the WTS is in Photo-bucket linked into the JWN search archive: "How I left Jehovah's Witnesses"/Maeve Courteau.
By the way. The WT's response didn't refute-couldn't refute-my stand based on research. ButI was just wrong in principle--they didn't explain why. They just told me to get in line.
The elders never truly search the scriptures --they are scared to.