ADCMS-- The parallel between baptism and marriage is right on!
When I(a "cradle Catholic, baptised as an infant) wanted to end my ex-communication from the Catholic Church after a 10-breach, I found out the criteria for marriage annulments. Because, incredibly, for all shennanigans I had pulled , they nailed me for marrying a non-catholic who had been through a RC Church marriage ceremony with his Catholic ex-wife.
So I got the Church's Marriage Tribunal paperwork for my husband to consider.
One of the chief reasons they supply for an annulment is precisely what you mention in you post: that the parties who married lacked the necessary maturity or intelligence to reasonably understand the seriousness of their vows.
My husband would not fill out that paperwork nor give it to his ex-wife saying "We knew as much as anyone does when we married--" And so I would remain outside RC communion.
But I it made me think....
I returned the blank paperwork to the priest and asked him if it were not true that the Church would annul a marriage that had been contracted between two children, they being unable to grasp the seriousness of the vows.Yes, of course, he said. So I asked that the Church annul my baptism on that same basis because I was held culpable for breaking a commitment to Christ that no baby could have reasonably made. And now I UNDERSTOOD and WANTED to follow Jesus, the Church barred me from it.
Church rules. And the JWs think they are so different.