We are not "comfort women" for the taking. I am glad you took care of yourself.
JoinedPosts by humbled
Please don't take the mick....but I got disfellowshipped for kneeing an elder in the nads
by outinthemeadows inan elder in my congregation got on my nerves because he kept putting his arm around me and i'd asked him to stop.
a few weeks later he did the same thing again so i used my knee against his micro-penis.
a judicial committee was formed even though i was being sexually harrassed by this octapus of an elder.
Truth about the truth of my potential DF'ing
by Crazyguy ina lot of you know my story and my issue with whether to da, fade, fight , go to the jc meeting ect.
and a lot of you have tried to help me on advise of what to do and finally i decided to da myself and some of you thought this was a bad idea.. well the plot thinkens abit as i now have it of very good bethel soures authority, that back several months ago when i sent in to headquarters a 13 page letter asking for clarification on the subjects of the new covenant and mediator as i showed in the letter that via the bible their understanding was crap.. this letter and my actions of sending it sealed my fate.
that according to my sources, instructions were most likley sent to my body of elders or atleast one to get rid of me as a i was a troublemaker.
Yep--They read that Scripture about "sects" with me ,too, and asked if I was doing that.
Told them that after what I had been through, I would NEVER dream of starting a new religion.
Good going--and keep going!
Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.
by confusedandalone inok, so i have been on this journey for about a year or so.
i feel like i am no longer a part of this whacked out religion, however at the same time after spending so many years in it there have been a huge array of things that have happened to me that i feel i need to talk about.
not because they will help anyone who reads them, not because they are the slightest bit interesting, but because i can no longer keep them bottled up and expect to move on.. alot of things i have experienced hurt me deeply... although i was able to move forward with my life these things tend to hang around in my mind because i have never been able to tell anyone outside of my wife.
You were young. All of us were pretty helpless under those circumstances. Talk about hitting the "ON" switch!
Elders don't need to read smutty magazines to indulge their fantasies--the young are there to chew up and spit out.
I feel bad for you--but I think you were more sane than not in your reactions--normal. Maybe they laid the screws to her (!!!!)enough--because she sounds less so. Poor girl.
Convoluted and twisted.
Edit: WHOOOAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Just read the last part.
What a f*#ked up life--hers is.
For you--How rough it is to have those false accusations loom over!
In the world outside it is similar to a false rape claim. Someone near and dear had that happen to him--The woman went to the law when her boyfriend caught her cheating with the young man (his first sexual encounter EVER). She rolled on him by saying it was rape. Almost went to court--but it was found to be baseless and she had done that before when she had cheated on her ex-husband.
A real nightmare to have an intimate other take you down like that woman did to save herself. Save herself?
The spiritual-sexual sick-ness of the Borg makes for a special creep factor. And the gossip grapevine. Don't you wish you could put weedkiller on it since there isn't a way for the whole story to be told? AAARRRGGGH!!!!!
I've said it before, CAA, I love your wife.
You are amazing, though. You are basically sound-It seems.
But that is coming from someone who is Bat-$#!+ crazy.
Now--let it go,if you can. It will redden your ears and raise your blood pressure for a long time. But cancers grow out of those painful memories--IMO.
Take care, CAA.
Doc says it looks like my cancer is gone! How goes the health of y' all?
by humbled ini am pleased to announce that i get to retain my bottom intact for the foreseeable future.. .
milestone check-up just done.
i had a stage 3, 4t anal canal cancer for which i underwent chemo and radiation this past spring.
Dear WMF, Julia, Cantleave, Xan, Valk,Alph,Wanna,Kidme, Kate, Doc, designs,Carla, Narci, Rip, Friends,
Yep.Thanks for your good wishes
I am eating well again--regained weight I had lost, held onto some hair until it was so ratty that I cut its tail a couple months back.
We bust each others' chops here, but we do share each others' burdens as well.
Have a lovely, lovely holiday.
Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.
by confusedandalone inok, so i have been on this journey for about a year or so.
i feel like i am no longer a part of this whacked out religion, however at the same time after spending so many years in it there have been a huge array of things that have happened to me that i feel i need to talk about.
not because they will help anyone who reads them, not because they are the slightest bit interesting, but because i can no longer keep them bottled up and expect to move on.. alot of things i have experienced hurt me deeply... although i was able to move forward with my life these things tend to hang around in my mind because i have never been able to tell anyone outside of my wife.
Please tell us what has been on you, CAA. You know I have had to come to this forum for relief...
Doc says it looks like my cancer is gone! How goes the health of y' all?
by humbled ini am pleased to announce that i get to retain my bottom intact for the foreseeable future.. .
milestone check-up just done.
i had a stage 3, 4t anal canal cancer for which i underwent chemo and radiation this past spring.
I am pleased to announce that I get to retain my bottom intact for the foreseeable future.
Milestone check-up just done. I had a stage 3, 4T anal canal cancer for which I underwent chemo and radiation this past spring. (OUCH!)
My current exam shows healed tissue. Tumor has been going, going, and appears to be GONE. A scan again in February. Another check-up in March.
Ahhh. What we take for granted.
Now every fluttering fart is music to my ears.
And how are the rest of you faring?
P.S. I'm crashing--been caught on the forum to the wee hours. I'll check up in the morning. Goodnight.
Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.
by smiddy init has been about 2000 years since jesus walked the earth and has been hailed as the son of god by christians .. the jews refuse to acknowledge jesus as the son of god.. the muslims recognise jesus as only a prophet .. their are billions of christians earth wide.
their are at least a billion muslims world wide.
i`m sorry i dont know how many jews their are world wide ( please add the 6 million who died in concentration camps ).
Smiddy, God has sacked the religions for their incompetence.
You know, we are the ones who invent words. We create words and define them out of our own experience. Perhaps God cannot reach us if we are glued to religion. We can't hear any new words or meanings.
To pursue your line of thought, it is fair to say that all three religions do not view Jesus as a common thread. They see Abraham as that "father of faith". But each failed to see what faith the stumbling, bumbling patriach exemplified.
It certainly wasn't faith by committee. Not faith by consensus. Not faith through the scriptures. He showed his faith in his solitary pondering and struggle with a word "olah"--burnt offering. He was going to have to learn the poetry of his/our relationship to God through the harsh language of the times. We invent words to match our experience.
Was Abraham going to define a God of horror, inconsistency and blood?
Remember, at that time there wasn't the vast menu of sacrifices that in later times the Children of Israel wrote up for themselves: heave offerings, wave offerings, sin offerings, voluntary offerings, communion offerings, etc. ad nauseum. The stark word that the patriarchs used was "zebach" for every serious meeting with God. In ancient Hebrew the written symbol was derivative of a slashing mark. A cutting. Blood and death.
But "olah" is not derived from that root in any way. Nor should we think that it would automatically replace zebach. The word that is written is not the word that demanded blood.
But what did it mean?
An ascent as of smoke, a stepping upward. Literally. This is the poetry of the moment that we ignore.
Was Jesus Abraham/Isaac altogether? For God so loved the world he GAVE--not KILLED--his only begotten son. If we cannot do better than to make a religion of a monster-God and continually choose division instead of trust--what more is there to be done?
Brooklyn shu me out for not teaching the Abraham story as the monster-son-of-a-bitch god who is a tricky liar. I choose to stumble in ignorance in front of the Goodness. I am not educated in these things but I understood the issue here.
Abraham is commended for listening to God in this most cryptic and ancient story--a story, which, of all the edits the OT had done, is universally considered untouched. It is crude and uniform in its transmission. We humans are only to blame if we choose to cast Genesis 22 as an evil event--evil in our own twisted perception. Each of us has to answer for our definition of "whole burnt offering". I believe God was trying to teach us not to fear Him or death.
Solitary and stumbling. Scriptures say Jesus called us to be true children of Abraham. I do mistrust much that I read. But if we care to share a story, this is one the Jews, Christians and Muslims need to reckon with--and maybe get kicked out of their gatherings altogether. Altogether.
PS sorry the italics wouldn't quit on my cheap computer.
The Feeling Good Handbook -- by David Burns
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inmy psychiatrist recommended this book, the feeling good handbook by david d. burns, md, to me a couple years ago.
this book has been mentioned on the forum several times before, but i thought i found some things threadworthy in it.
it's a big book of 732 pages.
Thanks, Billy.
I ordered a used copy off Amazon for under 5 bucks. Lots of strong reviews plus yours. I'm glad you put this out there.
Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.
by smiddy init has been about 2000 years since jesus walked the earth and has been hailed as the son of god by christians .. the jews refuse to acknowledge jesus as the son of god.. the muslims recognise jesus as only a prophet .. their are billions of christians earth wide.
their are at least a billion muslims world wide.
i`m sorry i dont know how many jews their are world wide ( please add the 6 million who died in concentration camps ).
FHN--I think that is true.
I think Im an Atheist :(? :)?
by chrisuk inive been pondering my beliefs for a while now and ive come across things that i just cant accept.
i was recently walking with a christian who stated that the universe couldnt just come from nothing.
he said that the universe was so complex that it needed a designer, he also said something which ive heard before.
I's not so much an either/or problem, as I see it. Am I really an atheist or an anti-christ if if I don't trust the religionists who have shape-shifted old scriptures and conjured kooky doctrines?
I have, in spite of a lot of troubles in life, a regard for wonder, goodness, kindness and love. Is it a blind chance that the name of Jesus was swapped around? Maybe. But in the crazy world I know, it is just as reasonable that this Jesus(yes, it is a common name) had some good insights and some ambitious men (screw the women) rode in on his coattails, made him into a religion instead of a teacher.
What if I don't give a rat's @$$ about the trinity, the 144,000, the virgin birth, transubstantiation, filioque OR the every thing the bible says of Jesus. If I have an abiding sense that he was clued in to the deepest sense of the wonder, goodness, kindness and love that keeps me afloat, I am not ashamed of it.
Words fail me as-they do all of us- if I try to talk of the divine. There. words have just failed me again.
I have been told that I am not a Christian.
My only statement of faith may be truly atheistic: God is love.
So I want to say: Don't worry about the word atheism. Who knows what it means?
And don't be afraid.