Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.

by smiddy 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    It has been about 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth and has been hailed as the son of God by christians .

    The jews refuse to acknowledge Jesus as the son of God.

    The muslims recognise jesus as only a prophet .

    Their are billions of christians earth wide

    Their are at least a billion muslims world wide

    I`m sorry I dont know how many jews their are world wide ( Please add the 6 million who died in concentration camps )

    These three faiths claim to adhere to some if not all of the books that are now known as the Bible.

    their are different sects of the Jews

    their are different sects of Christendom

    their are different sects of Islam (Muslim )

    These three faiths base their beleifs on certain books of what we call the bible today , their interpretations of what those books say, are astronomical , as apart from A to Z

    Yet in 2000 years since Christ walked the earth what have we heard from God to sort out this .....silence ....?

    Lets hear it from GOD ...are Jews correct ? which sect.

    Are Muslims correct ? which sect .

    Are Christians correct ? which sect .

    Why have you been so silent these past 2000 years ?



    There is no 'God' out there, that's why 'he' hasn't provided any answers. It's all a lot of made-up nonsense to keep small-minded people occupied.

  • steve2

    Sounds like you are venting your seemingly rational questions to a god who doesn't exist. Or, at best, your OP will draw in sundry apologists who will welcome the opportunity to promote their version of the "true" god. Good luck with your baiting....

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    This is generally called the 'argument from religious confusion' or 'problem of religious diversity' in terms of atheist argumentation. Google those terms.


  • Rattigan350

    That is my issue. When a Company is accused of anything and there is a controversy, the CEO will issue a statement to clear it up.

    Why hasn't the CEO of the universe, even through a representative, cleared matters up?

    One thing that makes no sense to me is the tower of Babel. God confused the languages, but what that did was to confuse the truth because religious untruth was easier to spread over different languages and mistranslations.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am not going to insist that Odin or Flying Spaghetti Monster is not there, but the current God of the main monotheistic beliefs, be He Allah, Yahweh, or Christ, is definitely not there. If He were there, your call to end His silence is just the right thing to shout.

  • PelicanBeach


    "If He were there, your call to end His silence is just the right thing to shout."

    Agreed! All should do the same.


  • Perry

    Yet in 2000 years since Christ walked the earth what have we heard from God to sort out this .....silence ....?

    Just because You haven't heard from God doesn't mean others haven't. Biblical Christianity states that we are all God's enemies. In short we're unholy and he is Holy. There is NO relationship there. Biblical Christianity also states that your good works are useless in trying to bridge this gap. All religions and apostate Christianity all teach that your good works are a method of getting right with God. NO ONE will hear from God using this method, that's for sure.

    In addition to not having the ability to make friends with God on our own efforts, we are still liable on Judgment Day for the wrong things that we have committed and that have come out of our mouth. Failing to listen to God's message of redemption through the blood of his Son, most people will only hear God speak on Judgment Day. This will not be a friendly conversation.

  • designs

    Perry that is only in the New Testament. Paul's twisted view of human nature.

  • Perry

    Utter Non-Sense Designs.

    You know that Jesus offered a Covenant for the FOREGIVENESS of sins:

    And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. - Jesus (NWT Mt. 26:27)

    And he told Nicodemus that he "must be born again" . Why? Because the Law Covenant was simply a tutor leading to Christ and was actually a curse because NO ONE could keep all of God's Laws through will-power alone. It was simply impossible.

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