"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
The foolishness and stupidity of people who call others names, maybe they never left the playground and still use the swings and sliding board?
at work tonight someone came in with a t-shirt that read in large, bold print on the back of his shirt, "muslims suck!
" as the manager on duty i had the enjoyable task of approaching this very reasonable (tongue in cheek) fellow and explaining to him that our policy did not allow for such t-shirts and he would, therefore, have to either turn it inside out so it couldn't be read or he would be asked to leave.
his reply, "you're a f***ing muslim loving b***h!".
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
The foolishness and stupidity of people who call others names, maybe they never left the playground and still use the swings and sliding board?
Jehovah Witness' teach some very basic beliefs that cannot be easily disputed and even if you went to a library as I did and did the independent research on the basic doctrines and holidays, They are right!
Then after getting your mind and teaching you "Where did you learn ALL this"? From the GB/FDS and the Org, they Hoooook you on everything else and that is where they get you in their grasp, then start teaching bizzare teachings and twisted scriptures and that is where the wheels fall off for many who see through it.
I lost my mother and it was really hard in the beginning, it has been over 8 years and my father is now 87 years old and I know the eventuality of if all. It has gotten easier and I think of the future, and I believe with all my heart that I will see her again and think of what we are going to go through, she is in a better place than all the suffering.
She seen Germany destroyed in WWII, my father seen both the depression and the war, they have seen enough, I look forward to the better times ahead which God who cannot lie, says it will happen.
jeff .
Nice surface graph, However the highest estimates of the human family living is at 20 BILLION
If you consider that Satan introduced sin to man's fall and is responsible for the first sin and death and every death since, then Satan is way further ahead in the death column.
Besides should the pottered vessel have any right what to say to the potter?
then how come the adventists have 15 million members and jw's only 6.7, when they originated at around the same time?
God has never been impressed with numbers. Men and their religions may be but not God!!!!!!!!!!!
i watched this film last night, and it made me really really grateful that we have free health care in the uk.
i know we complain about the state of the nhs, but the bottom line is if there is ever anything wrong with me my first thought will not be 'does my insurance cover this' or 'can i afford this'.. there was one part of the film where michael moore takes some people to cuba to get free health care and one woman picks up inhalers for 5 cents a piece, that are costing her $120 in the us.
she just breaks down and crys at the disparity of the cost.. it was also telling to see the insurance companies employ people specifically to try and find ways to deny claims or to void policies where a claim has been made.
Yes I watched it and I am a victim of high cost of insurance as my wife and I just dropped our policies because they went up in three years from $230-$469/month with a $5000 deductable that we never used in the three years.
Just another sham and watching it all come unravelled.
dear readers of revelation,.
i have been reminded that a simple question is more effective than an elaborate presentation.
i have become very careful about what i say and how much i say to most people.
This picture has always stuck out from the day I saw it when I was a witness, IT JUMPS OUT at you and I am sure that it had to when they reviewed it, the Society pays a lot of attention to detail and this is obvious, Some other points that do not make sense
1) His hand is positioned backwards, turn yourself around and try to hold your hands like the picture
2) His hand is deformed or else he has 6 fingers, where is the thumb?
3) Why do the "anointed" have iron rods, there is no mention at all in the Bible that they possess these, only Christ is said to wield the iron rod, which makes sense in the picture, he is the only one swinging and smashing, but why do they have an iron rod when it is not mentioned specifically in the Bible?
so guys.
i know all the old cliches, all the good women are taken !
but it's just not true !
Someone who is real, not PLASTIC, someone who doesn't put on a show in the beginning of the relationship to decieve you, use you, take advantage of you with a smile on their face and deception in their plan and then later after the facade is over, the real person emerges to a person that is not even remotely what you married.
Kind of feel like the big scam and you fell for it, Lying and deception doesn't go real far, it always comes out, sad to say not until the damage is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two types of people in the world----GIVERS AND TAKERS
Givers belong together and so do takers.
abr, of the givers
ive been reading some terrible reports about the american mortgage market, and the subprime mortgages aimed at people with poor credit ratings and poor ability to pay.
(and of course poor ability to understand complicated and deliberately obscure contracts).. frankly the whole thing is exploitation in the extreme, imo.
there was one report on the bbc about how poor black areas were targetted, and people were given an introductory offer of 1% and not told that this offer lasted only one month before ballooning to 17 or 18%.
I am a real estate agent, I told everyone that I work with over three years ago, that this real estate boom and "easy money" would bring the world economy to its knees, I was laughed at back then. Not so funny now, I read a lot of real estate information, financing, ( way more then most ) where all the money came from, whether imaginary or real.
The whole world economy is going to feel the effects of this one, it is already happening in Japan, Europe, England and elsewhere, the USA is just now starting to feel the effects. If everyone only knew the whole story, but know one wants to hear the truth. It is going to have a worldwide impact, the economy isn't on it's knees yet but the knees are bending.
scandal upon scandal has recently been heaped upon the members of the watchtower bible society!.
eunice spry, infamous child abuser hit the headlines last year.. then the jw pedophile who escpaed jail despite abusing many children including a baby.. this week we discover the disturbing loss of a jw mother who haemorraged in childbirth and refused a potentially life saving blood transfusion.. i'm sure there are many more case you can think of.. do you think jehovah is pleased with the people that are supposedly a people for his name.
or do you think he's a tad embarrassed at the bad and foolish behaviour?.
Ex 20:7 says it all
7 “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave the one unpunished who takes up his name in a worthless way.
If Christ the perfect man didnt take upon himself God's own personal name, who are any one of us to do so, if the Isrealites who were DIRECTLY appointed as God's people lost His favor because of bad conduct, hypocrisy, false teachings, REJECTION of GOD's SON, in any and every form, scandals ect...
What does the Biblical record tell us about anyone of us who want to claim being a servant of God and a follower of Christ should be doing with regard to reproach? It applies to all of us who want to follow the WAY, as the Biblical record puts it.