JoinedTopics Started by avidbiblereader
Hating God?
by avidbiblereader ini cannot but read many of the posts in which god/jehovah or even christ is ridiculed, mocked and even hated?
so i ask the question why?.
what has god ever done to you personally?
Babylon the Great, is it religion or not?
by avidbiblereader inin a recent thread about could the wts be right about religion coming to their end, i find this thought very interesting, is babylon the great really the world empire of religion or is it something else, not saying i am right but would love your thoughts on it.. .
i am not saying that i am right, but i have been reading rev and especially 17-19 over and over again doing research with cross references with various bible translations, i actually want to do a small paper on it for my own.
i really think this is one that the wts has wrong again, in reading and praying and researching, it could be that babylon the great is not religion but rather the entire commerical or commerce of the world in which the political leaders throughout history have had immoral relations with and religion (which many agree, has become big business) is just a part of.. in looking at rev 17-19 take a slow look at yourself, get out of wt mindset and actually look at the scriptures and ponder with cross references, you wont get religion as babylon the great, read the context and ask yourself, .
REALLY Think about it before you post
by avidbiblereader inthere is a lot of threads going back and forth both ways, almost like a battle line has been drawn between believers and atheists.
however, let's just say for the sake of argument, that all religions including the witnesses, are wrong but the bible in itself is right.. everything that it has foretold is going to happen and just as god told noah, in 7 more days i am going to make it rain, but this time he now speaks to all of us and says in just 7 more days i will wipe the earth clean of all those who have or are revolting/disagree against me.. how would you react then?
how would you live your next 7 days?
Did you REALLY ever have faith in God or was it more in men?
by avidbiblereader inseriously, think about this, when you look back on your faith, was it really in god, or was it the god from the witness perspective and you really did/do equate the witness organization with god, or was it really in men?.
with so many that have been disillusioned with god since leaving the witnesses, where was your faith really in?.
If you could know when the end was coming, would you want to know?
by avidbiblereader inwould you or do you feel you couldn't function the closer it arrived?.
Who is more gullible?
by avidbiblereader inwith the election year facing us and so many here that have had their faith ruined by organized religion and when i read the posts with so many doubting the existence of god and christ's authority.. who is more gullible?.
those that put their faith in christ as i profess or.
voting and trusting in men with election or hoping this world gets better?.
Descison time?
by avidbiblereader inas witnesses and lurkers struggle with who and what to do i believe?
we are all faced with the same options.. 1) jesus and the bible.
2) "faithful and discreet slave/governing body?.
The prodical son-Who do the Witness resemble?
by avidbiblereader infunny now that i read the bible without any man made ideas, this thought hit me in luke 15:20-24, remember this is one of the basis for "reinstatement" into the "christian congregation".
is the year basis of coming back after attending weekly meetings really neccassary?
also note that paul most likely written both 1st and 2nd corithians within a year span.
Why is Jehovah's Witness considered the measuring stick?
by avidbiblereader inwhen we discuss scriptural teachings, christian conduct, morals, ect... why is jehovah's witnesses considered the measuring stick or the bar to beat or meet?.
why not the bible, why not another religion?
why is jehovah and christ looked at through the witnesses eyes or perceived representation?.
What do you feel is your greatest achievement?
by avidbiblereader insomething simple as raising your kids?.
leaving the witnesses and breaking tradition?