oh my!
I'm having a bowl of corn chex with milk.
oh my!
I'm having a bowl of corn chex with milk.
i have never posted before.
i have been lurking for a few days and have decided to give it a try.
the subject of child abuse caught my eye.
That's awful. I hope you and your sisters are OK now -- although it's hard to recover from abuse like that. It makes me sad for you, and for all the other little kids who were beaten, starved, raped and otherwise abused.
on wednesday the 10th, i went to bally's casino for tryouts/auditions for who wants to be a millionaire.
i passed the written test!
then i had to fill out a questionnaire in which i had to try to sound like an interesting person.
yup.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23282662.
it's true, islamic fanatics or jw fanatics -- they all fear education.
learn enough and you'll see through their bs and leave..
It's true, islamic fanatics or JW fanatics -- they all fear education. Learn enough and you'll see through their BS and leave.
Glad you all liked the video. I love how what the physicists say has been turned into a rap video. And I loved all the quotes on that page.
you know i'm just tired about all the bull shit that goes on.
i'm sick of trying to please others.
i loath pissing people off on a saturday morning.
I hear you, brother. Time to get the hell out, before you crash and burn.
talk about doing a 180* change!!
my husband after much thought went and passed for the police academy.
never would i have ever imagined my jw husband now becoming a police officer.
Good for him! We need the police and I'm grateful for those men and women who are willing to take on such a tough job.
I came across it on this interesting page:
"jws leaders need to mandate elder bodies to uniformly report abuse to the authorities no matter what jurisdiction; prohibit elders from being involved in any investigative process to decide guilt or innocence in place of the authorities; do away with the two-witness rule to determine, as if they were magistrates, guilt or innocence of someone accused; prohibit so-called repentant molesters from engaging in the door-to-door ministry, and always inform the congregation if a convicted or confessed molester is meeting with them.
" -barbara anderson .
this is another reason why the watchtower society doesn't require that the elders uniformly report abuse to the authorities no matter what jurisdiction.
so, primey, who are you, anyway?