Well, the end of the world will happen some day. I think the earth is scheduled to fall into a black hole in 50 million years, if a comet doesn't demolish it first.
Merry Christmas!
revelation was wirtten to those seven 1st century churhces not thechurhc of doolaly in florida etc.
those 1st cnetruy beleivers were fully expectant of the returning king in power and he did.
he didnot lei or mislead them.
Well, the end of the world will happen some day. I think the earth is scheduled to fall into a black hole in 50 million years, if a comet doesn't demolish it first.
Merry Christmas!
I have never tried that recipe, LisaRose. Sounds good!
Everything came out well, except the cranberry bread which I made twice from two different recipes. Bummer -- the bread collapsed in the oven both times. However the caponata was very good -- I'm making some more for the Christmas potluck.
Well, happy holidays everyone! Be sure to tell us what Santa brought you!
Or, as my sister wrote in her greeting card, "Merry Whatever!"
Have a lovely holiday, folks.
I don't think we have any elders here -- no hierarchy in this forum.
this is from the questions from readers in the 12/15/61 watchtower.
i present it unabridged and without comment.
your own comments, however, are welcome.. "when a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.
Yes, I remember. After that article -- I was 11 years old -- parents in our congregation would say to any daughter who expressed an interest in a cute boy that we were "like cows in heat." Great thing to tell a girl.
"When a young, unmarried girl falls to the temptation, the price she pays is terrible: shame, sorrow, a ruined reputation, endless troubles, with the danger of being disfellowshiped from a congregation if the girl is a dedicated member. It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this; and wisely she will direct her young life so as to end up in the position of a clean, happy wife and mother of legitimate children, journeying to the new world of righteousness, where there will be no sex problems amid a sex-crazy population."
Oh for pete's sake -- the shame belongs to parents who don't teach their children about birth control and how sexual diseases are transmitted. Teaching them about birth control is NOT the same as giving permission for the child to have sex. It's educating the child so he/she can make informed decisions. Kids have all sorts of mistaken ideas about how diseases are transmitted and some strange ideas about how not to get pregnant. Inform your kids, for pete's sake!
BTEB -- sounds like fun to me!
OMG! I just opened a present that arrived today. Someone gave me CASHMERE SOCKS. I have them on now. Wow!
Sounds wonderful, LisaRose.
Likeabird -- I picked plums, grapes and pears last fall, so I made plum jam, grape jam (which is absolutely nothing like Welch's) and pears in wine syrup. I also was given a bunch of rhubarb, so I made rhubarb jam with ginger. I only have a little of that, I'm not giving it away! Made quarts and quarts of salsa, too. And several quarts of tomato soup, which is already gone. It tasted so good, I kept having tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for supper.
Right now I'm roasting eggplant and red bell peppers for caponata.
the other week we had a public talk by a brother who surprised me and piqued my interest by describing the origin of religion as resulting from a desire for power, and from fear and superstition.
he was running with the ball so well, but he tripped and landed on his face before he got to the 20 yard line.. i'm not entirely sure what his thought process was.
if i didn't happen to know him, i'd think he was trying to drop a ttatt bomb, but he's way too, well, er, simple-minded to be duplicitous like that.
Well, he started off well. I like that paragraph you wrote summarizing his introduction. I wonder where he got it?
I like your comments about the subconscious mind, too, Jgnat and OP. I try to examine my motives, and, you're right, often my motives are a little embarassing when I think about them. It's a drag to face the truth about myself now and then, but I'm sure it makes me a better person. As in, "OMG I can't believe I did/said/thought that! I'm never going to do that again."
As a matter of fact, there are several apartments vacant right now. People don't want to move this time of the year. Man, what I would give to have another ally in this land of woowoo. Someone actually introduced me recently as "our token atheist."