Do any of you have elderly JW parents? My mom is 89, good health and Very Active JW. Her world is the local congergation and 5meeting per week.She has her Sunday outfits, Tues, school dress, and Thurs afternoon more casual styles. She gets a little attention at these meetings and has her social contacts. A few sisters keep their eye on her and she gets a little attention from the conductor.
Also MIL and FIL, elderly and he conducts an afternoon BS. This meeting schedule keeps them busy and active.....imo, not in a good way but still at least it gives them something to look forward to. They all go to early dinner on Thurs after the study.
My question is: How will the elderly adjust to this, No BS arrangement? The WTBS has no social programs for the elderly, no clubs, no health plan, no housing, NOTHING, ZIP, NADA and now they take away a chuck of what kept them active. They will have an empty hole in the week. I see depression and general health slipping downhill fast.
The congergations are made up of all ages yet everybody is supposed to be on the exact same page. There is no concern for individual needs and abilities. I just makes me sick!