I was a sales person over there and never took the slightest bit of notice of the law and I was never arrested or anything.
Time share, I bet!
from the sky news web site - 23.06.05giving the cold shoulderdoorstep salesmen who cold-call are to be targeted with the launch of a new scheme banning them from certain areas.
residents who feel harassed by their tactics will work with police to create no-entry zones for them under a plan by the trading standards institute.. .
the no-go zones could cover anything from a street to an entire estate and will also help combat so-called "distraction burglaries", which have been linked to cold-calling.. persistent doorstep sellers would then be reported to the authorities for follow-up action.. ron gainsford, chief executive of the institute, said: "people are sick and tired of uninvited doorstep callers.
I was a sales person over there and never took the slightest bit of notice of the law and I was never arrested or anything.
Time share, I bet!
how many of you ex witnesses out there became irritating bastards to family and friends when you left the organisation?
did you push your believing mate right out the door with your verbal assaults?
did you send out a long letter to all of your witness family and friends telling them what a lying cult the watchtower organisation is?
We all know what happens to irritating bastards!
at the end of this month i will get to wear my red hat!
for now i'm still a pink hatter.
i've got my new red hat ready.
We get quite a few Brown Hatters in the UK.
It's actually slang for someone who's gay.
today has been a weird day.
nothing horrible.
just frustrating.
Having got myself a self service breakfast, standing in line to pay for it while some guy in front of me pays for his cup of tea with a credit card that he can't find for ages, and then, having done so, is asked to produce his Tesco loyalty card, which he also struggles to find and then discovers there is no tea-bag in his tea pot anyway, all he has is a pot of warmish water. All the time my eggs are congealing, black pudding is getting crunchy and the whole lot becomes cold and insipid.
The Leith police dismisseth us.
my own parents gave up shunning me after i was disfellowshipped.
they kept it up for about 3 years and then just sort of gradually folded.
here in wsm, most of the witnesses who remember me can't be arsed with the shunning thang any more.
There is a downside to all this though. Their eagerness to shun only fades as you lose interest in contacting them. I'd met and married Her Ladyship within a year of being DF'd, and consequently took little interest in people who were going to withold affection from me, my parents included. At that point my mother actually asked me just who was DF-ing who!
mine was a short-sleeved 'raver' t-shirt with a hood i wore when i was 13. it was a orange,green and yellow aztec pattern.
for a few months i thought i looked cool.
My grandmother, who was an expert tailoress, once made me an overcoat.
It was turquoise..
my own parents gave up shunning me after i was disfellowshipped.
they kept it up for about 3 years and then just sort of gradually folded.
here in wsm, most of the witnesses who remember me can't be arsed with the shunning thang any more.
My own parents gave up shunning me after I was disfellowshipped. They kept it up for about 3 years and then just sort of gradually folded.
Here in WSM, most of the witnesses who remember me can't be arsed with the shunning thang any more. Even the devout witness lady who works in Marks & Sparks enjoys the occasional little giggle with me across the deli counter.
When my best pal was DF'd, my shunning of him lasted just over a year before I started to speak to him once more in defiance of the WT ban. The relief that I felt was indescribable when we first resumed talking. It gave me a real warm glow inside.
See, I think that shunning someone is a really un-natural thing to impose on someone. It goes against all of our instincts if that person hasn't personally hurt us. I just don't think it's possible for a normal person to keep it up for ever if it involves a relative or close friend. I'd be surprised if many can keep it up for more than a few years.
ok, lets see if you guys know the answer to this simple question.. .
if you have a car with a mechanical speedometer and odometer, not digital, and if you back up, will your mileage on the dial back up?.
7 miles on the odometer and you back up, for a few hundred feet, will the mileage also back up slowly to 47,108.6 and so on....?.
Did you know that a coot is the only bird that helps look after it's younger siblings?
Englishman, silly coot at times.
i listened to this on the radio this morning as i scampered around trying to get ready for work and i thought it was excellent so i wanted to share it.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/programmes/thought/documents/t20050620.shtml.
"today is the start of social science week and to mark it the economic and social research council has published a report which links all kinds of current social ills to pride, anger, lust, avarice, gluttony, envy and sloth - in other words, the seven deadly sins.
the report finds the sin of pride in the persistence of sectarian prejudice in northern ireland, it sees anger in uncontrollable tantrums in children and road rage in adults, lust in the ever-rising number of people who think its ok to have more than one sexual partner, avarice in the mounting levels of executive pay, gluttony in binge drinking and also in the steady overconsumption of alcohol by the middle-aged, envy in spiralling personal debt and lastly, sloth, the apathy reflected in spectacularly low turn-outs at the last two general elections.
It was indeed a Magnum moment, but can I just say I've only just cottoned on to the fact that I posted about 7 deadly sins whilst eating a Magnum
Doubler caramel?