Jeepers creepers - have you lot been reading the Daily Mail again??? It's not serious you know, try to treat it like the beano.
Oh yes..brilliant!
God I loathe that newspaper.
it's an unfortunate fact that the uk is gradually slip sliding away in the ranks of great achieving countries.. our tennis players aspire to greatness but slip at the last, and often first hurdle.
our national health service though catering to all, is no where near the quality it should be.
i can vouch for that fact from last weekends experience, having to call an emergency doctor out to see my son, he missed totally what was wrong with him.
Jeepers creepers - have you lot been reading the Daily Mail again??? It's not serious you know, try to treat it like the beano.
Oh yes..brilliant!
God I loathe that newspaper.
it's an unfortunate fact that the uk is gradually slip sliding away in the ranks of great achieving countries.. our tennis players aspire to greatness but slip at the last, and often first hurdle.
our national health service though catering to all, is no where near the quality it should be.
i can vouch for that fact from last weekends experience, having to call an emergency doctor out to see my son, he missed totally what was wrong with him.
Bring back National Service!
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
The 121 runs every hour between Bristol Airport and WSM town centre.
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Celia, don't worry, I'll pick you up at Bristol bus station.
Joy, yes, 'course I'll book you in, however I think Belmont may be expecting you.
Oops.One more thing. All non-UK-ers will be expected to join in with the Brits in the singing of "Vindaloo" as the party warms up.
It is almost our National anthem, after all!
...and its absolutely pissing it down!!
theres been thunder storms all night and day.. wayhey im gonna be a dirty rock chick tonight!
for everyone who went to see "jaws"!
it's 30 years ago today since the film was released upon an unsuspecting public.
For everyone who went to see "Jaws"!
Yup! It's 30 years ago today since the film was released upon an unsuspecting public. Her Ladyship and I queued for over an hour to see it. We could hear the screams coming from inside the cinema and wondered whatever was in store for us. We soon found out.
It was scary. Now, 30 years later it still gets hauled out on the classic movie channel. And guess what? I still jump out of my seat every time that severed head rolls out of the sunken boat! Even though I know it's coming, it still makes me jump. Brrrr!
If memory serves me correctly, the movie hit the UK just around late September 1975. It was scarier than armageddon which was supposed to be along a few days later.
Somehow, it's another event that makes 1975 even more real.
i mean really, where are you brits?
hes always losing to some upstarts.
whats going on here?
you aussies can get out there and do all the sweatin'!!!
..just like the good old days of empire and Botany Bay.
after many years of repression do you now find hard to restrain you natural feelings?
it doesnt have to be wrong as one cousin told me, you admire beauty of the sunset, the song of birds; you appreciate exotic meal and equally you can now more appreciate the natural beauty of opposite sex.
reason why im asking is because today ive met a dub from my former congdubgration who immediately assumed i was "immoral".
I've always appreciated a well-turned ankle.
BTW, what is it with these white tiered summer skirts so many of these gals are wearing this summer? You can see straight through them!
Obviously I'm shocked.
OH, btw, the older you get the more you look..
i mean really, where are you brits?
hes always losing to some upstarts.
whats going on here?
He's ranked at number 6. I think that's as high as he'll ever climb. I know the Brits love to watch tennis, however no-one here seems to want to actually play it.
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
OK, I've done it!
Anyone else, PM me if you need my phone number or addy.