I had black pudding for breakfast. Never barbied it though..
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
I had black pudding for breakfast. Never barbied it though..
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Just heard that Jst2laws is coming too!
i love it!.
love the take off, love the in-flight meal -yum!
- love the landing.
Just found a site that deals exclusively with airline meals!
I checked out the last airline we flew with, First Choice, and the pic was spot on!
we all know how disfellowshipped or disassociated children get treated by their jw parents, that they are totally shunned.
but what happens when it comes to family inheritance do they get treated fairly or do they get a lesser share or in extreme cases perhaps nothing at all?
and would jw parents that have no children left in the wts choose to give everything to the org?
No person is under any obligation to leave their assets to anyone, including their children, so "fairness" does not come in to it. It is not my "right".
Nonetheless, it is normal practise for a parent to leave any money he may have to his offspring. The WT do get right in there for a slice and will get a much bigger slice if the child has been disfellowshipped.
I wonder if losing out in a will because of religious prejudice is contestable? Particularly if the beneficiary is the very same org that instigated the DF'ing and benefitted as a result of this?
i love it!.
love the take off, love the in-flight meal -yum!
- love the landing.
Landing in Funchal is great fun. Ultra-short runway, the pilot comes over the tannoy to tell you he's been especially trained to land here and to expect lots of bumps, bangs and heavy braking. Then he put's on the hand brake before he's even touched the ground..
Look..just like an aircraft carrier.
we all know how disfellowshipped or disassociated children get treated by their jw parents, that they are totally shunned.
but what happens when it comes to family inheritance do they get treated fairly or do they get a lesser share or in extreme cases perhaps nothing at all?
and would jw parents that have no children left in the wts choose to give everything to the org?
My parents had several inheritances left to them.
Each time, my Dad would give up work and go pioneering until the money ran out. Or he'd sell up and go and serve Where the need was great.
Now, my mum has willed most of her stuff to the WT and to the local KH. ..Including all of her WT bound volumes. I might just keep the one that majors on 1975...
i love it!.
love the take off, love the in-flight meal -yum!
- love the landing.
I love it!
Love the take off, love the in-flight meal -YUM! - love the landing. Especially the landing. That sensation that the plane is about to plummet like a stone as it yaws from side to side as the speed bleeds away. Then..Kabumph! Then reverse thrust that has you hanging forward in your seat belt. Brilliant!
Do you like to fly?
Or do you hate it?
What do you think of the " Most popular pics of all time" on this site: http://www.airliners.net/
Good, eh?
...........and i heard that he did fine.
he will be having more tests in the next few days.. will again pass on any information i get.. cheers, bliss
Crumbs. Poor old Ozzie. How many times is that now? 3?
Hurry up and get better you old bugger.
i amlooking for advice.
before getting married, my wife was slim and took care of herself.
after the wedding however, she started to eat much more and not exercise.
If these guys are so concerned about how heavy their wives are, why don't they take over the grocery shopping and the cooking?
Then they'll only have themselves to blame if she doesn't come down to their preferred weight.
saturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Revised list:
Her Ladyship (she'd better!)
Ignored One
German XJW
Frau German XJW
Little Toe
Mr Belmont
Mrs Belmont
Bristol 1
Bristol 2
Bristol 3
Bristol 4
Junior Englishmen x 4.
+ Englishman's daughter. (Guaranteed to inflict GBH of the ear'ole.)
Plus 30 - 40 of me mates from the pub