Posts by nelim
Is there any DNA in a rib? I thought it's just bone :-D Hahaha I like your post though, it made me laugh! -
Another heart breaking recording of how witnesses are really treated on JWstruggle
by Crazyguy in
Doc, I think many elders will seem friendly one-on-one. But when they are together (on a JC e.g.) then a different personality is activated. It's also easy to disagree with other elders in private conversation, as it can be denied easily; "she understood me wrong" or whatever.
As the calling woman tells, this is actually a pattern I have also seen: when one is disfellowshipped, the whole family is effectively disfellowshipped from the congregation. Everyone avoids this family because they don't know how to invite a single member, or go to them etc and just ignore them completely. It's the easiest. Not really a sign of John 13:35 being applied though! Even though WT/JWs like to brag about that.
Why new people visiting kingdom halls are able to comment while a reproved ones can't???
by hardtobeme ini have always asked myself that question.
why new people visiting kingdom halls give comments at meetings while a reproved brother can't?.
who is more worldly?
Is there something in the Bible....
Revised New World Translation
by FusionTheism ini just wanted to put it out there that i am actually truly impressed by the revised nwt.
i think it's an awesome bible version.. the only issues i have are that it should only have "jehovah" in the new testament when quoting the old, and the alternate translation of john 1:1 in the footnote should be in the main text..
Indeed sir82, and wow! This verse is new to me. Quite a shock.... on the other hand, as far as I know, there is no Mosaic law punishing sex before marriage. It "just" means you're married from that point.
Fusion, I have got a list of over 100 verses which are mistranslated in the NWT, and most likely on purpose... the mistranslation nicely supports WT doctrine, while the original conflicts with it. But when reading the NWT yourself it's very hard to notice them, I also just found them on the internet and saw the fraud after checking them myself.
See for example:
Fornicate and keep quiet, is it possible for a Governing Body member?
by John Aquila indo you think any of the members of the governing body have at one time in their lives committed an immoral sex act but never confessed?
remember leo greenlees.
fornication, adultery or something else?
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle in bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will review the case and determine that it is not a too big a burden for churches to warn other parents, and therefore restore the full penalty and force them to change policies for the better! *here is hoping* -
Blood Transfusions -- Simplified Suggestion
by FusionTheism inif you look at the context of acts 15, the commands given, are given to gentiles because jews with weak consciences would be stumbled if they saw gentiles doing these things.. these were not eternal, absolute moral commands from the almighty.
they were temporary, cultural, ethnic instructions to help the jews and gentiles get along together when they were brought into the same congregation.. for example, one of the commands given is that gentiles must not eat any meat sacrificed to idols.
yet, the apostle paul wrote many times telling christians that it is "up to your conscience" whether to eat such meat or not.
Thorough series on JWB, your points are in parts 3 and 5:
Funny conversation with my kids today
by StarTrekAngel inso my 11 year old kid comes up today during breakfast and tells me.... my friends at school are playing this new game.
they balance a pencil over something else and then they put a paper under the pencil with the words "yes" and "no".
they then ask "charlie, charlie, are you in the room?".
Amazing the logic kids can already exercise! Bravo! -
Young Jesus
by nelim inin the new publication "jesus - the way, the truth, the life", page 23 jesus is pictured as a young boy when the astrologers visit.
how old do you guess him to be there?
i'd say 4 years old.
In the new publication "Jesus - The Way, the Truth, the Life", page 23 Jesus is pictured as a young boy when the astrologers visit. How old do you guess him to be there? I'd say 4 years old. But Herod's command was to kill all boys younger than 2. The illustrator forgot the bible context for this picture? :-D
Also interesting that they have "Joseph and Mary remain in Bethlehem" (top page 20). But that's not very logical if just Joseph needed to go there to register / pay taxes. They were living in Nazareth initially, so why not go back when duty's paid?
I was curious how Watchtower would resolve the inconsistency between Matthew and Luke (it's impossible for both accounts to be correct about Jesus' birth narrative). Their cleverly disguised attempt is on page 25: "Apparently, Joseph intends that his family settle in Judea, perhaps near the town of Bethlehem, where they were living before they fled to Egypt." This completely bypasses that they were originally from Nazareth. Interesting that they see the need to explain this detail in Matthew about Joseph not wanting to go back to Judea; but make up a new story about them remaining living in/near Bethlehem for some time to make it all fit. This is nowhere in the both accounts. Matthew implies they were living in Bethlehem already (astologers visit a house, not a stable like Luke), and later go to live in Nazareth because of the supposed baby genocide. Luke has them living in Nazareth, going to Bethlehem to register themselves, going to the temple and back to Nazareth.
This suggests to me that the writers at Watchtower are very well awake to this inconsistency but purposefully deny facts and invent new stuff to glue everything together.
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys & gals,.
we finally get to tackle the 607 bc debate in our last show of the season.. please leave any comments here and let us know if you agree or disagree with any of the points we brought up about 607 bc..
New moon is every 29 or 30 days. The solar lunar calendar year has 12 or 13 times 29.5 days. So never 360 days. Every couple of years there is an extra month (the 13th one), but different cultures have different ways of determining when and what pattern.