JoinedTopics Started by enricofrassinetti
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
(and answering also to undisfellowshipped) .
excuse me always for my broken english.
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
excuse me always for my broken english.
i have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that i speak when i say that is the barcode the mark of the beast 666. .
Economies are collapsing?No Problem!Is written!
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
before of all, sorry for my broken english.. .
the rediscovered of the barcode, how march of the wide beast 666 (revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the bible about revelation 6:6 , 16:2.. second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near.
New Economic System
by enricofrassinetti indears friends and brothers and sisters.. i must communicate an important fact, that is succeding from italy.. i have started, with many others brothers and sisters, a new economic system for survive in the next great tribulation added with this mondial economic recession.. "new light" delibrate of unite these bad conditions, with the near jehovah day.. in revelation is wrote, that those economic conditions are be arrived, and all jheovah's witnesses, must live with the nations this situation.. always new light delibrate that all us, must give power to another global economic system, for survive in these conditions.. from 1998, i have sustained, that the millenium bug (y2k) have actived this negative economic spiral, with many comunications to cd to brooklyn and rome, but they have felt not important.. .
with many brothers and sacrificies, i have done start this new economic system.. actually is present in to 22 nations, but it find many difficulties, for his expansion.
www.thealphaclub.com ( this because go against the bank monetary system ).. from italy we have adjusted and improve this system, but we are still many little persons, that give power it.. the beast 666, have a project for to do all us slaves of she.. we jehovah's witnesses, don't must become his puppets, and must be completely separated from she.. the poverty is his objective.. she want bring all the men in poverty extreme, for keep in possess the live of all men.. this new type of modern slavery, not is approved from jehovah, and we his servers, must to be separated from the beast.. we must to be only from part of jehovah god.. ( romans 12:1-2 ).. we, that have known the truth, must be actives and ready for be christians free completely.. visit this web site of italian brothers engaged in this community.
About "Alpha Club" and our New Econom...
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters.. i cannot answer all singularly because i am not capable of know all and well the english language,(if you find someone that help me will be excellent) but i can explain that, this big international association denominated alpha club, is the first time of the instauration of a new economic system.. from italy, we are preparing the bases of an international coins, for be expendable, in all country where this project will be operative.. in a world where the big of the finance are only preoccupied of save his profits, we are inserting a newconcept of to do finance and trade.. how real witnesses of god, we must be completely separated from the sistem of the beast 666, commercially, spiritually, politically.. with this new economic system, this is possible.. enrico frassinetti
Alpha Club. First Time of the New Economic System
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters.. is it from 3 years that we jehovah's witnesses, from italy, are preparing the bases of one new economic system.. when the great tribulation will be started, one international recession economic, the condition of poverty for all will be inevitable, also all witnesses around the world.. for this, we, are starting this system capable of give help when succeeding the conditions previewed from revelation 6:6.. in that time, the beast 666, will impress his mark to all habitants of the earth.. for survive, only those that receive his mark, will be possible buy and sell, for eat.. in that case, all loyal jehovah's witnesses, not must receive his mark.. in prevision of these times, we are starting the bases for one electronic coin expendible, in one new economic system capable of give economic freedom, without to be slaves of the project of the beast.. .
visit the web sites for only members.. www.thealphaclub.com
Argentina? New victim of the "thing disgus...
by enricofrassinetti ineconomy of all the world are in danger.. another victim of the "thing disgusting that is causing desolation", is the argentina.. yes.. the wild beast, with his economic system, would want have all his slaves, with the debt cards "forcing self-debit".. around the world, this is his project.. mens of the beast, would want give a number code, fixed to all people of the world, for be marked with his invisible mark 666, because the monetary crash is very very near.. the coins of all the nations of the world, proximately, will be eliminated, because his intrinsic value cease with the crash of the world production.. one international recession, is causing all this .
(revelation 16:2).. the bar-code is his precursor, but proximately, the possibility of eat and drink, will be possible only for his possessors.. only method for christian survival,without accept his mark 666,is to escape from it, giving power to another economic system with our electronic international coin.. jehovah's witnesses,those real,are ready for to go against his project.. from italy we are preparing the bases for this.. in 23 nations we are present with the society www.thealphaclub.com, but proximately, will be ready all our project for redistribution of the wealth and of the income, denominated (alpha & omega).. if do you desire, visit our web site www.testimonidigeova.org
Alpha & Omega Project
by enricofrassinetti ini will want to explain you one thing about the alpha&omega project that are starting from genoa in italy.. i with others brothers are constructing one new economic system for to help the poors but not only them, also we.. when the money has ceased its intrinsic value, the problem of to eat, is many probably, to be many difficult, because buy the necessary to be extremely expensive.. do you remember that "the money will be rejected in the streets and in the squares "?.
when this moment come between us, the only method for to buy, will be that or to profit of more, or to have another coin, capable of stay in equilibration, against the inflation of the current money.. the alpha & omega project, are doing this.. and is for this that i am learning well the english language for to explain that this economic recession is very dangerous if we are not doing nothing.. i ask you to be patient, if there is some errors in this letter.. thank you and agape love
New Economic System
by enricofrassinetti inhello logical.
i would want to give to you and to all you, a message a lot important, if i succeed to us.
from italy with to many siblings, we are inserting a new economic system in order to help the poor countries of the world.
Life or Die
by enricofrassinetti inmessage from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and womans.do you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!