My sister in law is a nurse practitioner, and I shared this story with her. She says given the situation, the doctor's seem to be covering their own butts and using her religion as a scap goat. Doctors make more mistakes than we know about and if they had given her a transfusion she would have die instantly. She works with a number of patients that do not accept blood because of religous and personal beliefs and therefore they use a nuber of substutes if a person needs a transfusion.
JoinedPosts by 2dothebest
The Woman Who Put Faith Before Her Own Life
by anonwest in
the basis for the watchtower society's blood doctrine is so weak - it saddens me that the the org are still letting people die over this issue.. comments at the bottom brand this poor woman selfish.
they don't realise that had the woman accepted blood, she would be shunned by rest of congregation.
Homeopathy popular in Jehovah's Witnesses ?
by Tigerman inis homeopathy ( the treatment of a disease using, in small doses, drugs that produce symtoms like those of the disease so that one's natural immune system can fight off the disease ) popular among active jw's ?
my son who was raised as a jw has a large ( adult male palm size ) fatty growth on his back.
his jw mother is treating him with homeopathy, as is a so called doctor.
No it's not a Jehovah's Witness thing. Jehovah's Witness go to the doctor just like the Pope would if he had cancer. My mother had cancer and she went to the doctor, had chemotherapy, and did everthing else that could be done as long as it did not conflcit with her stand on whole blood transfusions. Jehovah's Witness are people and respect life so they would not treat themselves as lab rats.
DoomsDay as near as 2007
by TopHat ini was shocked my sister-in-law actually believes this doomsday nonsense..
NO one knows when the end of anything is going to happen. Jehovah's Witness made that mistake once in trying to predict the date according to certain calculations and later realized how wrong they were. Catholics, Jews, and so on are all guilty of this mistake. Live and let live, but live a moral life.
The 613 Laws of JW's
by avidbiblereader inthe witnesses always say they are free in christ, i beg to differ, i don't know how many stupid unscriptural laws they have but lets start a thread on how many dumb witness laws you know and have heard of that make no sense or completely unbelievable, it is like they have a second talmud.
cant have walt disney movies or stuffed animals as this is magical.
cant have beards.
I think Jesus would enjoy a game of football or too. It just to get addicted to what you enjoy doing that is looked down upon. I love football, but I;m not to the point that I need a shrine in my house as a temple of worship to my favorite team. Sounds crazy, but I've seem it done.
The 613 Laws of JW's
by avidbiblereader inthe witnesses always say they are free in christ, i beg to differ, i don't know how many stupid unscriptural laws they have but lets start a thread on how many dumb witness laws you know and have heard of that make no sense or completely unbelievable, it is like they have a second talmud.
cant have walt disney movies or stuffed animals as this is magical.
cant have beards.
To make the list a little shorter for everyone. you don't want to do anything that you would not want Jesus and God to do with you.
Toasting is wrong because.........
by Gill inso why, according to the feb 15th watchtower is toasting wrong?.
'toasting today may not be viewed by many as a religious gesture.
There are a lot of things in this world that are based around superstitions, idealogy, and so forth. I rather know where these traditions come from and why they are wrong rather than criticize someone for bringing it to my attention. If toasting is wrong so be it. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not wrong. Drinking should be done in moderation just like taking in any other food. Too much of anything can be bad for you. That is why we have obesity. The scriptures in Eccl. 9:7 and 1Tim 5:23 can help you see that. I have associated with Jehovah's Witness for a while, and they have good wholesome parties. I have never seen a fight, people over drinking, abusing spouses or children, having sex parties or any of the other negative things that are put out there. Those who do carry on inappropriately are counseled about there ways. I love honesty.
Jehovah's Witnesses seem to be the only religion that has not given in to all the wrong doing that is tolerated in this world today. The things that go on in the congregation do come out, serious crimes are reported to the authorites, child molesters are sent to jail, and so on. I had my doubt about Jehovah's Witness for a long time, but after doing a lot of research and questioning them and other outsiders I believe in thier organization. Whenever they find out something they are doing is unbiblical, they correct it instead of trying to use the bible to prove why to keep doing wrong things.
Here is a scenario for you...
by CaptainSchmideo inyou have a relative in the hospital.
he is an "inactive" witness, but still believes in all that malarkey.
the blood issue arises.. panicked, this person prevails upon you to call for help from the "brothers".. so, you call around, 'til you find someone from the hlc.. after the physical situation is assessed, the question is asked: "what is this person's status in the congregation?".
Someone should have come to help you and your mother out. I had a similar situation with my mother and received the neccessary help.The HLC duty is to help all who are in need of there help.