haha, why are you even on this site?
Posts by sexyk
by sexyk in"thus you nullify the word of god for the sake of your tradition.......their teachings are but rules made by man- matthew 15-;6,9- new international version.. in the book crisis of conscience, ray franz explained his viewpoints on matters to the rest of the governing body members.
he did not believe it was up to them (the governing body) to decide what the brothers and sisters did.
rather, he beleived that god is the one who "lets" them do certain things, either because his word approves it or because it is silent on the matter, and that god alone prohibits, when his world clearly condemns the action, either explicity or by clear principle.
"Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.......their teachings are but rules made by man- Matthew 15-;6,9- New International Version.
In the book Crisis of Conscience, Ray Franz explained his viewpoints on matters to the rest of the Governing Body members. He did not believe it was up to them (the Governing Body) to decide what the brothers and sisters did. Rather, he beleived that God is the One who "lets" them do certain things, either because his word approves it or because it is silent on the matter, and that God alone prohibits, when his world clearly condemns the action, either explicity or by clear principle. He did not believe that imperfect, error-prone men we authorized by God to decide what should be allowed or disallowed for others. Ray Franz even went as far as asking the body on numerous occasions" When the matter is not clear in Scripture, why should we try and play God ? We do so poorly at it. Why not let Him be the Judge of people ?"
I thought this was an excellent point, and he couldn't have read my mind better on the issue.
His point of view is how I see things. God has the right to Judge an individual, not mere human.
The organization kept using the disfellowshipping teaching, and still do even today, because it's tradition. If they knew that teaching wasn't right (and some no doubt know it's not right like Ray Franz did) and they decided to change it. It wouldn't look good on the the Witnesses considering the many of people who have been Disfellowshipped in the past and have ruined their personal lives. People would definetely question the Society's Authority.
Disfellowshipping is more of a phycological abuse. It's forceful, and it's tactic is surely not right in the eyes of God. People come back into the Organization usually not because they want to believe in what the organization professes and make things right with God again, rather, they go back to be with their family and friends again. And if it's not because of that, it's because their brainwashed to believe that the Society is in fact God's Mouthpeice.
It amazes me how many people get Disfellowshipped, and think they deserved it, and think the Society is right on their decision. I have a friend who is now DFéd and plans to "clean up" and go back into it. I tryed to explain to him what they did to him was not right. He refuses to listen to what I have to say, and calls me an apostate.
It goes to show how the Society really has a grip on it's members and even DFéd ones. To the point where they can't even think for themselves. I can't wait for the day when they change the disfellowshipping teaching, although, it would probably never happen. It's authoritarian ways keep it's members in line and in fear of leaving, questioning, doubting, the Society in any way, shape or form.
Name Some RIDICULOUS JW Beliefs
by minimus ini'll start with a couple.....jws believe that everything in revelation is symbolic except the number 144,000.. jws believe that donating blood is wrong.
yet jws can accept "blood fractions" which can only be recieved if one donates blood!.
You cant smoke, but yet back in the 30's and 40's, it was acceptable to smoke. Even my uncle (who's still in the religion, although he doesn't agree with most of it) said he remembered someone smoking at the back of the hall. HAHA.
If you suffered a major personal setback.......
by pratt1 inwould you reestablish ties with jehovah' s witnesses?.
diagnosis of a potentially fatal illness?.
death of a loved one?.
nice question buddy, the answers no
Hi to Everyone
by DawnLS620 inmy name is dawn and i'm a ex-jw, who has been out since l976.
i live in michigan, was born and raised here but also spent about 3 years in austin, texas (1 of them as a witness - the other two running amouk having fun).
i just spent the last 2 1/2 hours on the phone with my dear old buddy, dave, (seven006) whom i've heard some of you know.
welcome to the board
Yeah, its a rough time in my life right now. It's funny how 2 jehovahs witness men woke me up out of bed today at 9:30 in the morning to ask me if I wanted a bible study, and to give me magazines and invite me to the local convention this month.
They told me they knew I was associated with the witnesses before (sounds like a cult ! or like the mob minus the violence) and one elder actually knew me by who I hung out with a few years back. And figure this, I now moved here 5 months ago from home, which is a 7 hour drive away. Pretty crazy
I called up my parents very upset, they told me they sent out a couple elders for me to talk to. And for them to ask me if I wanted a bible study and which I said No. My father on the phone says "your not going to go back ?" then I said no im not going back to the meetings", then their was a very long awkward pause, and I said ill talk to you later and hung up.
I can't believe all this stuff is happening. Feels like im letting down my parents (who I truly love and would never purposely hurt). But im not going to go back into something I don't beleive.
Going back like some friends I had did, to make it good with their family, in my personally opinion, isn't a good enough reason to be in it. Anyways, everything will workout im sure.
keith p.s thanks for all the posts guys, it helps.
Well................Ivé been in the JW religion my entire life, until last summer. Im 20 years old now, and miss my family and friends. I left because I did alot of research about the JW religion, and I found nothing good and alot of truth.
I was recently online (instant messenger) and an old friend messaged me. Someone who I was dearly close to while I was in. She asked me why I left.
I started explaining and she broke down crying, saying she couldn't talk to me anymore and that she loves me so very much. She told me I needed spiritual help, when I in return stated "It's not me who needs help, it's you who needs the help, along with all the other witnesses" and she replied "see, that's what makes you an apostate" .
She hardly listened and 5 minutes into the conversation, she went to bed crying. She told me "they" (the world) wanted me to think the Witnesses were brainwashing me, and that they really screwed with my head.
Wow, I can't believe my old friend will never speak to me again. And im sure as hell not going back into the religion, ever. These people are truly mind controlled and brainwashed.
I cant understand how their so close minded. I even lost family and close friends just because I dont believe in an organization who claims their from god.
Im sad, wow....
My D/A letter
by done4good inafter managing a successful fade, the long thread started by nvrgnbk made me think a bit.
up until then, i maintained a fairly hardline stance that the borg would need to d/f me if they really wanted me "out".
but then, i began to consider a few things.
To be honest, the elders probably didn't even get half way through that.
Soon as they saw what it was about, perhaps the first sentence, chances are they threw it away since it was " apostate material".
Bunch of losers they are. lol
Has anyone ever played with a ouija board?
by delilah inthis past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
Yeah, I played with one a few months ago. We asked it God's name and it spelled out "jehovah". We asked if it had a name and he told us his name was "bob". (If you think im joking, im not, although it was pretty funny).
We asked him how he died, and apparently his wife cheated on him with his best friend "dave" (Im still not joking). So he killed dave then went on to kill himself and his wife. We asked him when this happened in his life time and he said when he was 78 years old.
We asked him what his beleifs were, but he kept on spelling out different letters. And we tried to unscrammble the words to see if it would spell out something familiar to us, but we couldn't pull it off. He told us he's from Scandinavia. Pretty interesting.
We asked him if he liked us and he said "yes". At first though, he told us we weren't welcome. But I guess he came around. We asked it my girlfriends grandmothers middle name (which no one in the room knew, even me, and at that point I wasn't playing at the time, a few of my other friends were) and it spelled it out correctly !
The garbage can opened that night, then shut all by itself, we all witnessed it. Just popped open and shut ! And one of us opened one of the cubbard doors, just to see if at one point it would shut by itself. Interestingly it did. Although, none of us in the room saw it shut or heard it shut. And we were in the living room with clear view of it. We would of heard it shut at least, because those wooden cubbards make a big noise when you shut them.
Pretty crazy if you ask me, and I wouldn't reccommend it. But hey, if your a curious guy like me, why not ? I also tried some EVP and the lights flickered off and on, but that's a whole different story and we won't get into that.
I never got involved in it too much and I don't plan on it. But it was a cool experience to say the least.
keith :D
C.T Russel and the Organization
by sexyk incharles taze russel.
founder of the watchtower and a very respected man among the jehovahs witnesses even today.
do you think charles russel, would agree with how the society went about things after his decease ?
Charles Taze Russel. Founder of the Watchtower and a very respected man among the Jehovahs Witnesses even today.
Do you think Charles Russel, would agree with how the Society went about things after his decease ? It wouldn't really be that bad of a religion or cult (whichever you prefer) if they did things his way, in which it should have. Russel proclaimed in his will before he died, that things should be managed in the Watchtower, according to his wishes.
Well after Russels decease, who took his spot other then Rutherford. A man who changed the rules and guidelines set out for us by Russel. Russel believed in freedom of mind and speech, not disfellowshipment and the taking away of ones family and friends. His ways weren't forceful, as opposed to the Watchtower today.
I asked a few Witnesses when I was in the organization, would C.T Russel agree with the Society today ? Not to my suprise, they said, Yes. Which is not true, he certainly wouldn't agree with it.
His will and wishes were changed, when really, they weren't suppost to. Now every change that is made is apparently "new light from god". And rules and guidlines are changing back and forth in the Society affecting many peoples lives worldwide.
Only if things were set in place as they were suppost to, by C.T Russel, the Watchtower organization wouldn't be in the mess their in today.
If Russel was alive today, he wouldn't agree with the Society, therefore, he would be considered an apostate, and kicked out.
Something to think about !