Topics Started by sexyk
by sexyk in"thus you nullify the word of god for the sake of your tradition.......their teachings are but rules made by man- matthew 15-;6,9- new international version.. in the book crisis of conscience, ray franz explained his viewpoints on matters to the rest of the governing body members.
he did not believe it was up to them (the governing body) to decide what the brothers and sisters did.
rather, he beleived that god is the one who "lets" them do certain things, either because his word approves it or because it is silent on the matter, and that god alone prohibits, when his world clearly condemns the action, either explicity or by clear principle.
Name Some RIDICULOUS JW Beliefs
by minimus ini'll start with a couple.....jws believe that everything in revelation is symbolic except the number 144,000.. jws believe that donating blood is wrong.
yet jws can accept "blood fractions" which can only be recieved if one donates blood!.
If you suffered a major personal setback.......
by pratt1 inwould you reestablish ties with jehovah' s witnesses?.
diagnosis of a potentially fatal illness?.
death of a loved one?.
Hi to Everyone
by DawnLS620 inmy name is dawn and i'm a ex-jw, who has been out since l976.
i live in michigan, was born and raised here but also spent about 3 years in austin, texas (1 of them as a witness - the other two running amouk having fun).
i just spent the last 2 1/2 hours on the phone with my dear old buddy, dave, (seven006) whom i've heard some of you know.
Has anyone ever played with a ouija board?
by delilah inthis past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
C.T Russel and the Organization
by sexyk incharles taze russel.
founder of the watchtower and a very respected man among the jehovahs witnesses even today.
do you think charles russel, would agree with how the society went about things after his decease ?
My D/A letter
by done4good inafter managing a successful fade, the long thread started by nvrgnbk made me think a bit.
up until then, i maintained a fairly hardline stance that the borg would need to d/f me if they really wanted me "out".
but then, i began to consider a few things.