Morman can smile, JW's do not smile and when they do it is forced.
JoinedPosts by Ephesians6
by minimus inhave you ever noticed someone that just had to be a witness?
for example, you're on vacation in a very warm climate and you see 2 men dressed in suits....they must be witnesses.
or you go to a sporting event and you see a group of guys suddenly run for the nearest bathroom and the national anthem is just about to be played....they must be witnesses.
A day in field service
by dsgal in7:30-too early to get up on a saturday morning but the co is visiting and i must show up to make our cong.
9:00 - arrive at kh, smile and say "good morning" to everyone (even though i'm still half asleep).
he visited had 69 people when he was there.
If you JW's would only show at my door you would be invited in for Tea and Cookies and some friendly chat. There are better things than "putting in time". Like knowing that you Have eternal life right now.
Why do so many people believe that jesus is god?
by Legendary U.2.K. ini still say that, christiaity is f--- up in these last days.. christianity teaches that the messiah is god, when the bible clearly points out that jesus is a prophet sent by god... jesus prayed to god<----that's the biggest proof... so i think if anybody believe that jesus is god, is not only an'-ti-christ(not accepting) but also a liar, foolish, and you knoweth nothing, and you are not close to god or christ, you are closer to that devil which we call satan....
Legendary in your own mind. WHO CAN FORGIVE SINS BUT GOD ALONE. Jesus forgives sin
what the watchtower says about the bible
by zev in*** w65 7/1 391 what is required to understand the bible?
he does not impart his holy spirit and an understanding and appreciation of his word apart from his visible organization.
*** w67 10/1 587 finding freedom with jehovah's visible organization ***
So then does the Roman Catholics get told this. They also say they are the true Church.
by Ephesians6 inwhy is it that the dubs have two types of salvation?
1 the faithful and discreat salves 2 the other sheep.
one goes to heaven and as holy spirit, and the other stays on earth and no spirit.
The Bible Teaches Salvation. Saving us is what Jesus came here to Do. That is why He died and Rose again. If the Watch Tower does not teach this then they are leading their followers down the wrong parth. A path that will distroy these people.
by Ephesians6 inwhy is it that the dubs have two types of salvation?
1 the faithful and discreat salves 2 the other sheep.
one goes to heaven and as holy spirit, and the other stays on earth and no spirit.
Why is it that the Dubs have two types of Salvation? 1 The Faithful and Discreat salves 2 the other sheep. One goes to Heaven and as Holy Spirit, and the other stays on Earth and no Spirit. The Bible only has one Salvation in Jesus Christ alone.
Why do you believe???
by truthseeker1 ini have a question for everybody.
it has probably been asked before, but i'll ask it again in case anyone changed their minds.... why do/don't you believe in god/god.
what give you faith in things not beheld/makes you not believe?.
Why do I believe in God? Well look around! Did all you see happen by chance? The stars you see at night, the moon, the Sun, these are there by what reason? Chance I think not, if evelution is still on why are there not people ending up in the monkey cages? Who made you? you did not end up with wings so you do not need plane tickets. Look around, Look at your life. He is real, you will see Him one day. How will you be prepaired.
Answer this anti-Trinity folk
by Ephesians6 infor you folks who do not believe that jesus is god almighty answer these questions, the bible does.. who raised jesus from the dead?-father romans6:4 acts3:26, 1 thess 1:10. the son john 10:17,18, john 2:19-21 the holy spirit romans 8:11 god acts 13:30 heb 13:20. who does the bible say god is?
the father john14:2 the son john 1:1-3 the holy spirit gen 1:2 god gen 1:1. who saves man?
but i think you get the point.
So I have had only one person answer this post. my my just as I thought.
Answer this anti-Trinity folk
by Ephesians6 infor you folks who do not believe that jesus is god almighty answer these questions, the bible does.. who raised jesus from the dead?-father romans6:4 acts3:26, 1 thess 1:10. the son john 10:17,18, john 2:19-21 the holy spirit romans 8:11 god acts 13:30 heb 13:20. who does the bible say god is?
the father john14:2 the son john 1:1-3 the holy spirit gen 1:2 god gen 1:1. who saves man?
but i think you get the point.
For you folks who do not believe that Jesus is God Almighty answer these questions, the Bible does.
Who raised Jesus from the dead?-Father Romans6:4 Acts3:26, 1 thess 1:10
The Son John 10:17,18, John 2:19-21 The Holy Spirit Romans 8:11 God Acts 13:30 Heb 13:20
Who does the Bible say God is? The Father Eph 4:6 The Son John 1:1 Titus 2:13 John20:28 The Holy Spirit Acts 5:3,4 God Deut 4:35
Who created the World? The Father John14:2 The Son John 1:1-3 The Holy Spirit Gen 1:2 God Gen 1:1
Who saves Man? The Father 1Peter 1:3 The Son John 8:11 John 5:21 The Holy Spirit Titus 3:5 God 1John 3:9
There is more if you want. But I think you get the point. You can not seperate God. He is who He claims to BE. Think about this why can't God be 3 in 1? What power stops Him from this? He is all powerful. He created all laws.
Get past the human in you and be in touch with the Holy Spirit, do away with human laws and ideals and see the Word of God for what it is. The Words of God, You ignore Jesus you deny God. It is that simple. -
Pagan origins of Christanity?
by crownboy ini'm in the middle of reading jesus and the lost goddess: the secret teachings of the original christians and after this i would like to read the jesus mysteries.. i happened to come upon this book by accident, but i was surprised to see just how much christanity has possibly borrowed from pagan religions (i knew that ot stories like the flood were borrowed, but figured the nt was made by some cultic jews).
i also didn't realize that certain letters of paul may be forgeries, or that certain passages in the "genuine" letters could be allusions to pagan things.
are there any other or books or websites on the topic that anyone could recommend?
Pagan origins?? Man history realy does repeat it's self. Just another excuse for not following Jesus Christ. will not work on God. What pagan origin do these come from, Grace-Gods response to mans need. Regeneration-God creating man into a new creation. Imputation God takes our guilt and puts it on Christ. Substitution- Jesus takes our place. Redemption-set free from our sin. Propitiation-Jesus paid the price, man must die for his sin, Jesus did it for us. Justification- We are made right before God by God. Sanctification-We are set apart by God. Salvation-Deliverance from sin.
What Pagan Belief does this come from? What other belief does the god do all for you and you do nothing to save your little meger lives? Pagan ha ha ha I am Cornholeo, you must worship my bung hole.