I still say that, Christiaity Is F--- up in these last days.. Christianity teaches that The messiah is god, When the bible clearly points out that jesus is a prophet sent by God... Jesus prayed to god<----that's the biggest proof... So i think if anybody believe that jesus is god, is not only an'-ti-christ(not accepting) but also a liar, foolish, and you knoweth nothing, and you are not close to god or christ, you are closer to that devil which We call Satan....
Why do so many people believe that jesus is god?
by Legendary U.2.K. 89 Replies latest watchtower bible
Such is the bane of religious freaks everywhere.
Christians believe that because the Bible teaches it. The Father and Jesus are not the same person, which is why Jesus can pray to the Father. They are the same God, as John 1:1 (among many other verses) teaches. If the Bible didn't teach that Jesus is God, nobody would believe it. It's not exactly the kind of idea that somebody would make up, and others would accept. Most Jews in the first century reacted to John, Peter, Paul, et al just as you do to those of us who accept and teach what they did, that Jesus is God.
Robert Frazier
Because they think he is ???
Funny - Thomas had this "problem", too (John 20:28)
Facial hair poll: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33229&site=3
Edited by - LittleToe on 1 August 2002 10:47:26
because they dont think for themselves...and realize how it is such a contradictory statement.
This "argument" has been going on for centuries, and debated by much more learned minds than us.
The Alchemist
When I left the JW's all the doctrinal issues plagued me. So I looked into what the other side said about them and not just the WTBTS condenced and altered version. I was surprised at the depth of the arguments. Try several Pro Trinity sources and individuals in the know. It will be interesting for you.
*WHACK!!!* [pistol whips Legendary]
This is something that I've spent a lot of independent research over, and I've come to the conclusion that in this instance the WTS have got it right. Many people don't get much of a chance to challenge the trinity doctrine, as they stand in awe of Christendom's scholars, who by and large are products of institutions and courses run by Christendom. I have already had John 1:1 answered to my satisfaction from an expert witness (Origen) who actually spoke Koine Greek while it was still a living language, someone who obviously knew what he was talking about. Like the WTS, Christendom has for a very long time perpetuated various doctrines, so to expect it to suddenly change its view would be expecting too much I think. Unfortunately, individual thinkers have a huge amount of literature written by people who are attached in some way to the religions of 'orthodox' Christianity, so the odds of their coming across a legitimately alternative view of who Jesus Christ is, is quite low. For anyone who is open-minded enough to consider an answer to the 'proof' texts that trinitarians often use, please take a look at the articles (under Scripture Notes) at this web site: http://www.semachiah.fsnet.co.uk
NewWay: I like you bro!
Just reading the Post-apostolic Fathers writtings for the first 300 years shows that the "T" is not a teaching embraced by the early "Church"
Little Toe: "oh my god, another post from you!!"
Edited by - thichi on 1 August 2002 13:31:41