Anyone know how the convention went at Twickenham UK last weekend? I'd love to have seen a reaction like Yknot got.
Atlantis or Farkel, or anyone else, have you got a pdf of the the new YPA book?
all was going well......i had prepared some pages for my khs kids regarding 4 'forces' and they got a nice little science lesson.
they spent morning filling in the blanks, wordfinds, connect the dots and coloring pages.
parents of course were scribbling away at their notebooks.. fast forward to the afternoon......young people presentations..... well instead of bobble head bobbing in a sea of unison......there was a quiet but audible snickering going on that continued throughout the entire my section.. turns out the generation that was the test subjects of the ypa v1 ( i was 17), thought it was all so funny and badly scripted.
Anyone know how the convention went at Twickenham UK last weekend? I'd love to have seen a reaction like Yknot got.
Atlantis or Farkel, or anyone else, have you got a pdf of the the new YPA book?
i was a regular pioneer for a while during the mid 90s, about a year or two after the knowledge book replaced the live forever book as the primary bible study manual.
around that time the society began to spew a bunch of b.s.
about the end being so near (hadn't heard that one before) and how there were waiting lists for bible studies in many former soviet countries.
Yep, I remember the big push. I aux pio'd regularly with the only 2 reg pio's we had. We were all so excited about the 6 month limit which showed that "time was running out!!!!!!" (again)
In the end we were all a bit disgruntled. The very few bible studies we had resented being pushed to make a decision and a couple stopped altogether. The whole thing became unworkable as we realised most people needed longer than 6 months.
It became a PR disaster in the end and our cong ended up ignoring the 6 month limit and carried on as we were before.
What a waste of time it all was.
Anyone know the potticarys in Tenerife? I think they go to a cong in Los Christianos but only for half the year. They spend the summer in the UK and the winter in tenerife. Alright for some....
for all those df'd people out there, you know the rumor about the annual encouraging call we are supposed to get?
well my df'd sister and i were talking and we had a couple thoughts over this.
our brother-in-law is an elder-of the regional building committee type.
No visit would be made on any who evidence a critical, dangerous attitude or who have made it known that they want no help
I guess that counts me out.
rick was born into a religious cult.. .
kelley: in the communities.
juliana buhring, former member, children of god: yes, i was born and raised in the group.
Hi Bizzybee, thanks for posting that.
It makes me so mad that there isn't more expose' programs on JW's. When I think of the huge psycological damage that has been done to thousands of people because of them, it makes me very angry. When are the media going to see past the "respectable" facade the Society show, and get to the real story?
The inherrent dangers of all cults should be exposed, including thier recruitment methods, their information control and their hidden policies. JW's in particular, for, along with the mormons, are probably one of the more widely known and prolific, thereby, the most dangerous.
i posted this in another thread, but thought that it was probably worth its own discussion.
apologies if you've seen this in the other thread.
here is a graphic that appeared in the june 1, 2005 watchtower.
The bottom line is, it aint in the bible. So if it isn't in there, not even in principle, why do it?
i posed the question to a pioneer who had been giving me bible studies.
my question was quite simple: "in john 3:16, doesn't it say that whosoever believeth in him will have eternal life?
my understanding of this scripture is that eternal life is given to all who believe in christ and believe he died to save sinners.
i posed the question to a pioneer who had been giving me bible studies.
my question was quite simple: "in john 3:16, doesn't it say that whosoever believeth in him will have eternal life?
my understanding of this scripture is that eternal life is given to all who believe in christ and believe he died to save sinners.
at least acording to the email going around..
I think there are sound medical reasons to avoid blood transfusions if at all possible.
In fact, I have a sibling who is an RN and refuses to take blood except under the most desperate of situations. Said sibling is not and never has been a Witness and doesn't like them very much at all. Including their flawed theological reasoning on the subject. That sibling's reasons are pretty much the same for why I stick by the general concept of transfusion avoidance.
Exactly! Thats why it should be a conscience issue.
sorry to name drop.
here's a question: if i wrote a letter to any of the current governing body members, what chance would i have of receiving a personal reply?
I love that man, and I've never met him or corresponded. His books are so well written and full of such kindness that he really reflects Jesus Christ in his attitude. I'm recently disassociated and am trying to "imitate his faith" and attitude. Some days I succeed, some days I don't.
God's blessing on you Ray and Cynthia, even though you feel the effects of age, I pray that you also feel the deep satisfaction that Job felt toward the end of his life.