I haven't received my copy yet - but I do know (through some bethelites) that the Question box will be covering that subject.
When it comes in, I will put a copy online.
JoinedPosts by metaspy
KM 09/07
by Philippus79 indoes anyone know or have a scan of the km 09/07.
in the german edition the question is raised and answered if the "faithful and discreet slaves" encourages biblestudy groups who study "deeper" topics.
obviously the answer is "no" don't do that the slaves feeds you more than enough.. i could do with an english copy.
This past week's "Questions From Readers" Scans
by deaconbluez injust to catalog these by week:.
thanks for putting them in one post. It makes it easier to bookmark.
Witnesses Encouraged to Read a Book Written by a Damn Demun!
by gumby inthat's right my dear brothers and sisters in the lord......the society endorsed a book written by a fallen angel!.
this is an oldie, but it was written 5 years after the society was approved by jehovah himself in 1919 as his loyal servants.. for your reading pleasure: .
the golden age 1924 dec 3 pp.150-151 angels and women.
all your links to
come up as a 404
it should be lower case:
even the website has those problems. -
If We Were All In The Same Circuit, Do You Think We Would've Been Friends?
by minimus inwe've made a lot of friends here and have enjoyed the company and opinions of one another, so my question is, do you think we would've all hit it off so well had we known each other on a more personal, visible basis?
I honestly don't know. I am a bit of an introvert.
my brother did most of the socializing and I tagged along.
so the better question would be, do you think you would have been friends with my brother?
if so, then I would have too. -
Bethel - Forced retirement question
by pratt1 ini was recently told by a friend that many bethelites that attended congos in brooklyn ny were among thoses who were asked to leave.. .
according to my friend, many of these bethelites were offered the chance to serve as "special pioneers" in other areas.
these other areas were rural areas in the us and the borg has offered to pay for their housing and living expenses indefinitely if the agrred to stay in the full time work.. since this friend is an inactive dub (like myself) who always feels the need to defend the borg, i have some misgivings about this information.. does anyone have any factual information about compensation being given to members of bethel who were asked to leave?.
If this post is referring to the thinning of bethel in the not-so-distant past, then the answer is simple.
Bethel asked the bethelites to leave (like it was really a question) and encouraged them to pioneer in the hall of their choosing.
They would be given 3 months of "full time service" status despite actual service time.
In other words they were told "don't let the door hit you on the way out".
the majority were not offered CO, DO, Special Pio status. -
Secret elders website?!?
by icyestrm ini was chatting with an elder a few months ago and he spoke of a secret elders website that only privileged elders knew of.
it is used to submit the monthly field service reports and other letters in.
that is the 3rd time i heard about this and want to verify if any of you know about this..
how many passwords do you think are "1914"?
the more I think of it, the passwords are probably given by the society.
Never mind... -
Secret elders website?!?
by icyestrm ini was chatting with an elder a few months ago and he spoke of a secret elders website that only privileged elders knew of.
it is used to submit the monthly field service reports and other letters in.
that is the 3rd time i heard about this and want to verify if any of you know about this..
It is true that the site exists, my current congregation uses it to submit their literature requests.
I don't know the URL, as I am not in Literature.
If you know the URL and a local cong #, perhaps you could special order them a slew of old publications that they can never place. -
How Many People Here Have Been "Disciplined" By The Elders?
by minimus inby "discipline" i mean, either private, public reproof, disfellowshipping or something that got you in enough trouble that you had to be counseled by the loving shepherds and it cost you something by not having "privileges".
I was removed from being an MS for following the society's guidlines, instead of the elders.
However, I stayed a pioneer. Which confused a lot of people.
I would get asked "How do you loose one without loosing the other?"
Since the elders forbade me to tell anyone the circumstances (for fear of being DF'd for slander), I would just say "I'd rather not say". -
Why is the attendance numbers taken twice during the meetings?
by JH inthe watchtower wants to know just about everything and the attendance at meetings is one of them.. do they count how many people are at the hall a second time, just to know if anyone slipped out un noticed ?.
I used to take attendance for each meeting at my old cong.
I was told to count any 'soul' at the meeting.
To point out how specific my old elders were, they had me count a baby that was past due to be born.
I laughed when they first told me... (not a smart thing) but I did what they said, add one to my total.
I figured, what does it matter to me? 88 or 89, doesn't change anything in my life. -
Any Stalkers out there?
by PEC infor the record, if anyone ever asks, i am not a stalker.
I have been the victim of stalking, though it was minor.
Some girl in Canada found my website (back when I had one).
The site listed some of my personal info. she then went and used this to find out more about me.
She found every one of my IM screen-names, anytime I would log on, she would be there waiting for me.
It was creepy, she knew tons about me. I knew only her name and address (she gave me).
After a month of being bombarded (emails, phonecalls, and IMs) I changed everything.
I no longer use IM, and I certainly dont post my email anywhere.
Perhaps I was petty about the whole thing, but I found it to be disturbing.