JoinedTopics Started by metaspy
Video of admitted child molester in Jehovahs Witnesses has gone viral!
by disfellowshipped1 innotice these two attorneys opining on this case..
Tell us your strangest, weirdest, funniest encounters going D2D
by BluePill2 inif you where a brave little witness soldier, or even a pioneer (gasp), you must have seen a lot of strange shit.
the probability of encountering "interesting" people or getting yourself into weird situations is pretty high.. i'll start.
i have to get them together, but today i remembered this ones:.
United Nations General Assembly Report on Objection to Military Service by Jehovah's Witnesses and others | June 3, 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the june 3, 2013, united nations general assembly analytical report on conscientious objection to military service.. page 3, paragraph 4, of the report states:.
"the following non-governmental organizations responded: the associazione comunita papa giovanni xxiii, the centre for civil and political rights, the european bureau for conscientious objection, the european organisation of military associations, forum 18 news service, the german institute for human rights, human rights watch, the international fellowship of reconciliation, jehovahs witnesses, the quaker united nations office, the russian ngo soldiers mothers of st. petersburg, the union of conscientious objectors, and war resisters international.".
this 17 page report deals substantially with jehovah's witnesses.. .
What Would JWs Do if all the GB died at once?
by bafh inin another thread on the board, someone talked about their friend being a sniper in the marines and being very angry at the gb with thoughts of revenge.
it made me wonder - what would happen to the jws if in some strange turn of events, all the gb died at the same time?
how would they carry on if their leadership was snuffed out?
So what exactly is GB 2.0 ?
by EdenOne ini've seen it mentioned by several people here, this expression "gb 2.0", but somehow i'm not entirely sure what is meant with it.. i tend to read it as governing body version 2, as in "post-milton henschel governing body", that is, when the governing body became separated from the board of directors from the watchtower society, or when the wts no longer had a member of the gb as its president, i.e.
the end of the "president's era" in the wts.. is that your understanding also?.
but in that case, with the death of russel and the takeover from rutherford, wouldn't that be also a watchtower 2.0 of sorts ?.
Why Does The Watchtower Dis-fellowshiping For Smoking and Not Gluttony and Alcoholism?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhealth care studies are showing obese body weight index is worse than smoking "death sticks", so how is the tower going to address their growing problem of overweight elders and elderettes?
if a organization is able to disfellowship a member for smoking, why not do the same with other vices and crutches their people use to hide stress, emotional disorders and depression?
employers are asking for a bmi test a their potential employees to create a diet to get healthy.
Differences Between JWs in the US and Europe
by BU2B inthere are many cultural differences between the general population of the us and europe, what about jws?
i have heard about such things as beards being allowed, movies that a jw cant watch in the us or would be frowned upon watching being ok, same with tv shows, and even the way they dress in public.
seems more laid back over there if this is true.. any truth to this?