Yeah be yourself (what else can you be?) also the only one who can change you is you (from experience)
That said I'm not good in social skills myself, but guess what? I DON'T F*king CARE!!! ... Most of people like me and at the same time they don't (it seems like I'm a paradox) Mind you, I can live with that ...
Posts by RAF
What Do You Do for Work / Career?
by BlackPearl ini've been on the board for quite a while now and was wondering, what do my fellow jwdr's do for work, employment or career?
me, i'm in probably one of the most hated careers in america right now.
(not gonna tell you what it is either) but how about you, what do you do to earn a little coin?.
Well Tyrone you're have one of the most valuable job (I would like to be in ... but too late they said) ... If one day we meet hope you'll teach me some stuffs !!!
What Do You Do for Work / Career?
by BlackPearl ini've been on the board for quite a while now and was wondering, what do my fellow jwdr's do for work, employment or career?
me, i'm in probably one of the most hated careers in america right now.
(not gonna tell you what it is either) but how about you, what do you do to earn a little coin?.
Most often : Assistant Manager (at the moment for a fondation).
UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?
by nicolaou inthere are so many ways to get into this topic; homeopathy, astrology, feng shui, alien abductions, seances and so on ad nauseum but let's pick a simple one - mathematics.
do you accept the undeniable logic that 1+1 must always equal 2?.
i cannot conceive of a situation where 1+1=3 but there was a time when i did!
I'm talking about what is Objective (quantifiable, measurable, testable) and repeatable as an experiment.
So objectivity is related to that for you? (that's not objectivity those are scientific proof) ... stop hiding behind science to make your arguments (science is not over - I guess that if more than 50 % of scientists themselves don't claim anything in particular there is a reason - they are cautious and they probably know why they have to be) ... That's being objective which is somehow related to logic (you don't know, you don't claime)
yeah the problem is that you are not objective in asking for something repeatable nor scienfically testable since it is not something under contrôl and that we first have to define (in every details for any verification) ... Also testable is equivalent as experiment even if only one for the one who experienced it !!! also if there was any EVIDENCE it wouldn't really be about faith - but evidence.
Still When something happened (even if you don't know what exactly) it happened and it's not because you can't make it happen again that it didn't happened saying the reverse wouldn't be objective regarding what happened but again a denial.
And you confused experience with opinion here (I mean it's not the opinion which leaded to the experience but experiences which lead to an opinion and we can only call it an opinion just because theres is nothing to prove in fact) Again Faith all kind (if it is not something inculcated) is not a personnal choice - it is a personnal evidence - you just feel connected things looks very clear and simple you're not asking questions relatively to how or what things shoud be (the way you want it), you are just observing, listening to get the answers because since you've understand it's all about experience you know it will take time and that nothing will fall in your plate without you really want to understand.
And I'm done with this topic ... if it's only about repeating well ... you can take the whole room
The Greatest Answer In the History of the World!
by smellsgood ini don't know how you will feel about miss south carolina if you view her answer, but i would move for throwing down the irrelevant leaderships of our respective countries (that means you, deleware), and making s.c. empress of the earth for life.
and maybe a few years after death.
surely even as ashes in a jar, she will be as a light of intelligence, clarity, justice, fluidity of speech, and above all, hotness.
I love her and want to have her babies. ... I'm sure she's good in a lot of other things (don't worry she'll find a way out) Also from experience, next time she'll pay attention to the question!!!
Please share a quote that you enjoy...
by nvrgnbk innothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--.
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.. mary shelley.
«Il faut vider son esprit, être informe, sans contours - comme de l’eau.»
"it's necessary to clean our mind/spirit, being formless, without contours - like water" - (for full potential)
UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?
by nicolaou inthere are so many ways to get into this topic; homeopathy, astrology, feng shui, alien abductions, seances and so on ad nauseum but let's pick a simple one - mathematics.
do you accept the undeniable logic that 1+1 must always equal 2?.
i cannot conceive of a situation where 1+1=3 but there was a time when i did!
If we base our world view on what we DON'T know it is negative knowledge that drives our belief system. That is what the fallacy of Arguing from Ignorance deals with specifically.
This answer is more than interesting
Again you are turning it your way and that's a fallacy (you are talking about something you have none experience about so YOU don't Know (ignorance is on your side), I'm talking about experience which gives me a clue and if you have a clue you have to wonder and if more you feel like something is the way it seems to be - otherwise it's a denial - not logic) ... you see what I mean or or you don't?
when you are talking about ignorance in this matter (talk about yours) not those of others since you don't know and haven't any experience about this.
What we CAN'T SEE is either detectable and measurable in a quantifiable way, or; what we CAN'T SEE isn't there at all.
... keep this thread in mind and will talk about it in 10 years ...
Eddited to add : think about it ... you are the one arguing about scientific discovery along the time and that's what you come up with?
UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?
by nicolaou inthere are so many ways to get into this topic; homeopathy, astrology, feng shui, alien abductions, seances and so on ad nauseum but let's pick a simple one - mathematics.
do you accept the undeniable logic that 1+1 must always equal 2?.
i cannot conceive of a situation where 1+1=3 but there was a time when i did!
The smallest cell in a man's body is the sperm cell. It is just one tiny cell.
A woman's egg is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
Yet, these single cells produce physics professors, circus acrobats and Tupac Shakur!
How is it so impossible that we descended from a single-celled organism when we can hardly wrap our mind around what we actually know?
but, but, but THIS TALKS FOR BOTH SIDES ... Now what about what we can't see?
Again your rejection of one side is more about your own way to expect God to be -
UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?
by nicolaou inthere are so many ways to get into this topic; homeopathy, astrology, feng shui, alien abductions, seances and so on ad nauseum but let's pick a simple one - mathematics.
do you accept the undeniable logic that 1+1 must always equal 2?.
i cannot conceive of a situation where 1+1=3 but there was a time when i did!
Sorry, but I still get pissed when I read scientist calculating infinate varibles. Last time I checked infinity was as good as absolute zero in terms. The diffrence being infinity means we know something exists though not how much. Zero means it does not exist at all period. Though argubly the anwser is the same IDK.
VxI=R If
If V is 5.
What is I or R for that matter.
What are you talking about? Scientist calculating infinate variables? What is that ? what means infinate in your sentences?
a scientist do not try to calculate if it's not needed or if he don't find out a value even just a hint about this value as valuable, a mathematician neither about infinate decimales (Pi for instance being 2.14 is good enough to do what we need to do with it instead of 2.139................)
Now your example does not talk about infinite it talks about UNKNOWN (AGAIN - infinite possibilities if you want - AS UNKNOW for UNPROVABLE AS ABSOLUTE).
This example is not about infinty but unknow in mathematic (algebrically put) an algebrically too (of course) there is no way to find out ... in this case for instance you need the precise value of at least two variables ... otherwise you have an infinity of possibilities for being totally UNKNOW.
Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....
by Dragonlady76 inok after the serena williams thread and a few others that focus on looks i want to know what your idea of perfection in the opposite or same sex is.. i like muscular men with a full head of hair, i love classic features like a strong nose and jaw.. i also find blond blue eyed men sexy (don't ask me why).
i don't like that are to thin, nice teeth and soft eyes.. ok now it's your turn.. .
Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....
To be honnest, I still wonder