Topics Started by RAF
OY ... Did we really read them ?
by RAF indid we really read them ?
(the quotes and the gb).
colossian 1:15.
I'm just curious
by RAF in.
i'm just curious to get the point ... what did you find the most satisfying in your relationship (i mean serious relationship which is supposed to last) with your other half after 5 to 10 years:.
a listing would be nice in the preferential order like.
Questions ...
by RAF inok this is an attempt to make you understand my personal approach of the bible.
why i do think that it makes sense conceptually (like some other beliefs in fact lets say as a unique example: the belief of the native indians in substance just because its simple to compare again conceptually).. i take into consideration that the bible have oriental and african roots as origin, but that its spreading by religions have been most leaded by occidentals it s very important in the reasoning in the approach of the bible from all religionists, means their probable missinterpretations - imageries and symbolismes and reasons of some principle of it and more over on the long run regarding to the meaning of everything when it have been written) .
what leaded me to post this thread is related to 2 posts (but will only talk about one) ive read lately in different threads.. for anything to make sense we have to understand the purpose (the why).
The answer
by RAF insometimes we look for an answer from one question and we actually find the answer from an other question.. did it happens to you in one or serveral matter(s)?.
what was the process (the questioning and where it leads you to).
i won't participate to this tread (i just simply would like to know about your experience) .
I'm in love and ... scared !!!
by RAF insorry need to share and to talk about it and maybe in giving me your opinion, talking about your experience, i'll find other ways to deal with it.. .
i just turned 40 (does this have something to do with it) never been scared about the matter ... but now i wonder what kind of love i've really experienced before (any kind of appeals like complicity for instance, the need to share something in particular with someone, the need to give someone some love?
) i dunno for real .... i'm trying to get this out of my head but i can't, i can't, i can't - i'm trying to get interested in other guys but it's just not the same ... and i even wonder how i came to the conclusion that i do love him !!!.
where is Candylinuts
by RAF inshe even disapeared from myspace space !!!
the last info she sent from myspace was telling she was ok but now i wonder ...
did i miss something?.
What is it all about ?
by RAF in.
i've' always thought that americans where more romantic somehow than frenchs (they talk easier about feelings - true or false - it's not the point), and i'm always amazed when i read adds where most are quiet practical / materialistic in there definition of needs and responses regarding something related to love ... it's weird, it's like they don't believe in love anymore .... what is it all about ?.
and if you feel like you have an idea about what kind of add would please a woman - give it a try.
Strong nor Valuable
by RAF instrong nor lets say : strong-valuable relationship.
to really get into this subject i have to put superficial relationships aside because if superficiality has its place in life (when we are bored), i guess it is still superficial (to call a cat a cat).
whish doesnt mean that a superficial relationship cant become a strong nor valuable one but it takes time nor specific natural ways or opportunity (good or bad for one or the other if not both) to get there, in being based on something effective (= a real connection) or something quiet embarrassing (= a need) because it is not really effective in friendship in fact.
Wanted ...
by RAF in
i don't know if this have been posted before ... but it made me laught and i thought to share it here!.
any funny vid you'd like to share yourself?.
MySpace no space ... LOL
by RAF inyesterday i had fun laying out my mspace .... got a pm ... nice ... answered ... answered ...answered ... till we came to the question where are you living?
... well he is living just 200 metres from where i leave ... interesting no?.
did that hapened to you?.