JoinedTopics Started by UnConfused
Society won't risk being sued "for the sake of the Good News" - thoughts?
by UnConfused inhave you noticed that while anything can happen to publishers for the sake of the good news the society cant risk being sued for the sake of the good news?.
the society will quote and site scripture as to the trials paul experienced for the sake of the good news.
the society will tell the life stories of jws who have suffered personally, some ultimately for the sake of the good news.
I need new music - something peppy and something sad - suggestions?
by UnConfused innot a hip-hop fan or country, but would like something that will bring me up and something to wallow in also.
so i'd love to hear you suggestions of what i should download.
Sports - it all goes by quick ! My son's last season
by UnConfused inok dads out there enjoy your son's / daughter's sports seasons while you can.
hockey just ended, a successful high school career, and now baseball is starting.
we're getting his arm in shape for pitching and he also plays catcher, 1st and 3rd.
Some things that make mundane things better...like...[list yours]
by UnConfused in... having a big sink tub in the basement to wash the dog .
... an under the cabinet radio in the kitchen to easily turn on .
... having a mudroom .
Do you think it's possible that Jehovah has Munchausen Syndrome?
by UnConfused ini mean seriously, who let's people get sick only to look like a hero to "save" them?
Big Screen TV: LCD or Plama? Which Brand?
by UnConfused inanyone with personal experience concerning big screen tv's?
Where do you THINK the WT will be in 20 years? (Not what you hope)
by UnConfused indo you think growth will have stopped?
do you think membership will be up or down?
do you think financially they will be in trouble?
Best TV Shows no one watched - "Six Feet Under" & "Arrested Development"
by UnConfused inthese two shows are omg good!
watch "six feet under" episodes in order for a great drama.
watch "arrested development" for a smart smart comedy.
Label the act for returning to JWism for family only (e.g. Gumby)
by UnConfused ini think it's a deserving act of love to make the sacrifice to rejoin a cult in order to stay connected to your family.
it's putting your love of your family over so so many things.
what could we call it so we could easily understand someone's actions who also does this?
Where are Gumby and Mary?
by UnConfused injust saying i have noticed them not around the last few days.