How many times does Jesus return?
It really depends on the season. Have faith, brother, Jehober will take care of it!
- Deus Mauzzim
please - someone help me find the thread about this.
i've searched 'bible research and study articles' for a couple of days(dial-up - s-l-o-o-o-w!
) and can't find it - i know it's here somewhere - not too long ago it seems... there was a post from someone(s) that showed the society has claimed at least 6 different returns.
How many times does Jesus return?
It really depends on the season. Have faith, brother, Jehober will take care of it!
- Deus Mauzzim
are you 100% sure that leaving the organization was the right decision?
I was very sure intellectually...
But it took some time for my heart to agree...
I even had a time I thought the wt was the best system there was on earth, the perfect mind control to prevent war, racial prejudice etc.
Deus Mauzzim
he commented on another site:.
oh, i must mention: when barbara and rud publish, they will shake the foundations of the watchtower society, and i will have to rewrite many parts of apocalypse delayed to fit with the newly revealed information.
no one knows the dry rot that has existed in that organization as do they.
So this will be the trigger that sets off the Great Tribulation(tm), the Attack by Gog and Magog(tm) and the Great Day of Jehober(tm)?
Can't wait
Come and get me, God
Deus Mauzzim (of the apostate-and-not-afraid-class)
how exhaustive does this evidence have to be?
the world god made was absolutely loaded with.
ABSTRACT—Predatory theropod dinosaurs can usually be identified as such by features of their jaws, teeth, and
postcrania, but different clades of these reptiles differed in their adaptations for prey handling. Inferences about
theropod diets and hunting behavior based on functional morphology are sometimes supported by evidence from
taphonomic associations with likely prey species, bite marks, gut contents, coprolites, and trackways.
Dub Syllogism
P1 - I don't know 50% of these words
P2 - What I don't know is satanic
C - This article is satanic
- Deus Mauzzim (of the evil education class :)
30for we know him that said: vengeance is mine; i will recompense; and again: jehovah will judge his people.31it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living god.. - heb 10:30, 31. jehovah !
le dernier, vaincu par ton genie,.
qui, du fond des enfers, criait : " o tyrannie !
30 For we know him that said: “Vengeance is mine; I will recompense”; and again: “Jehovah will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God.
- Heb 10:30, 31
Jéhovah ! le dernier, vaincu par ton génie,
Qui, du fond des enfers, criait : " Ô tyrannie ! "
C'est mon aïeul Bélus ou mon père Dagon...
- Gérard de Nerval, "Antéros"
Deus Mauzzim
i found this site very interesting.....
Hey Ninja
First of all thanks for your response!
the crown and cross doesn't PROVE he was a freemason...BUT it is a templar sign.....(masonic)...a clue???...
I think you should look up what the sign primarily stands for: (with an interesting comment about the alledged templar connection)
the pyramid is another connection to freemasons although it doesn't necessarily mean beardie was one ....being buried under one and all
Apply Ockham's Razor: All things being equal, the simplest solution is to be preferred in most cases. Example: When I go to school and see I don't have my lunch with me I might say I was abducted by aliens on the way, subjected to medical experimentation, and that they took my lunch for further examination and brainwashed me afterwards so I don't remember anything. On the other hand, perhaps I just left my lunch at home.. which one is more plausible?
We know for sure Russell was a Great Pyramid freak and even published all sorts of fancy schemes.. On the other hand, we don't have clear (I would say any) evidence that he was connected with the masons. The simplest solution is that the pyramid was chosen as a sign for the "Plan of Salvation", Russells master-work.. which is sad in itself, of course :)
why would a christian have a flying sun disc symbol on his books???....hmmmm........the golden age and millennial dawn is a term similar to the "golden dawn" used by freemasons....type it into google images and see for for the cars having the winged (winged sun)...and Bentley...(winged sun)...also chevrolet...(winged square)....could it show us how pervasive freemasonry is?......
Again, this symbol was hugely popular around that time. What is the simplest conclusion? An enormous masonic conspiracy (leading to world domination, of course) or just a trend? Ockham's Razor! Regarding the name "Golden Age" - it's a concept from Greek/Roman mythology that has been with us for ages. You might want to read Hesiod and Ovid or look at - I'm sure you're not implying they were masons as well?
Best Regards,
Deus Mauzzim
okay, i'm not really sure where to start here, and i apologize in advance if this is all over the place.. i basically have come here for your help and advice.
my husband and i got married may of this year, so it has only been 2 months!
he was raised a jw (only by his mother, his dad has never been in the "truth").
He actually has never been baptized.
Very good! That means he can't be DF'ed. But take care, if he decides to leave, he will lose most of his social network no matter what. Your situation sounds delicate, but very hopeful. Play the game slowly and carefully, is my advice. Planning some time together looks good, slowly building a replacement network would be even better... does he have many 'worldly' friends? Take care! Deus Mauzzim
i'll start with my congregation....... there have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year.
over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs.
young people in the congo are dropping like flies.
Ahhh if only we could see the day that it's gone forever... I would be throwing one big party for all of you :)
But honestly I think it will splinter, shatter into hundreds of small groups.
Well, some 60+ years left for me to find out...
Deus Mauzzim
the english are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have raised their security level from 'miffed' to 'peeved.
' soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to 'irritated' or even 'a bit cross.
' londoners have not been 'a bit cross' since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out.
Omg great :D
hot on the heels of behe's latest comes the aug,15 wt: what does design in nature reveal?
they even used a nautilus for their cover.
yikes.. cover:.
To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin.
- Cardinal Bellarmino, 17th Century Church
For many thinking individuals, the evidence that supports a Supreme Designer is unmistakable
- Anonymous Watchtower Writer, 21th Century Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
Well let's keep this positive for humanity: baby steps, baby steps
I do like the cover illustration though :)
- Deus Mauzzim