Awesome !! Who did that ?
This file should be added on the EvoWiki page
the essay linked above was written specifically to address the new creationist brochures that were put out by the watchtower at this year's district convention.
the goals of the essay are the following:.
Awesome !! Who did that ?
This file should be added on the EvoWiki page
i recently completed making this video:.
the origin of life.
it's a quick look at the watchtower's new brochure.
I would love to translate this video in French. Would it be possible to have the file in PowerPoint (or other format) please ?
Thank you
on dawkinss atheism: a responsemy august 1 essay, philosophy and faith, was primarily addressed to religious believers.
it argued that faith should go hand-in-hand with rational reflection, even though such reflection might well require serious questioning of their faith.
God exists ! It's me !
I have discovered that I am God the day where I see that when I was praying, I was speaking to myself !
so family forced me into accepting the two new pro-creation books released at the convention.
i haven't had a chance to read them properly yet, but i expect to be drilled to death by friends and family on how brilliant the book is.. anyway, i was wondering if anyone was working on a critical analysis?
or could join me in putting together a list of flaws in the books?
Hey Shepherd Book !
Would it be possible to have the PowerPoint File used for this video ? I would like to translate it in French...if it's possible...
Thank you very much
i am trying to review the "origin of life" booklet, and i got to say that the more i look into it the worse it look.
this particular quote puzzled me a lot (p. 28).
one group of researchers used brain size to speculate which extinct creatures were more closely related to man admitted that in doing so, they often feel on shaky ground.. they took the quote from the preface of the "the human fossil record - volume 3" from 2004. .
Hello everyone !!!
I have opened the page about this booklet on EvoWiki :
As I am translating most of claims in French currently, it would be great if some volunteers could fill the EvoWiki's page with the creationnist claims found in the booklet. I'm sure that 90% of claims can just be found on the EvoWiki site and copy/paste on the page dedicated but I don't have enough time (and I am also the only one translating the claims & their rebutals in French)
Thanks to Wobble for the misquotes enhanced and you can see the first claim of this booklet debunked by him.
Very good video ! Bravo !
"peter faces a dilemma.
his parents have taught him that god created the earth and all life on it.
they say that the bible's account of creation is trustworthy and that evolution is simply a theory-one not supported by the evidence.
You can find your pleasure here :
It works again !
hi guys, i know this has been done many times before, but i'm doing it so i can send this out to family and friends who are still in, so i can hopefully open their eyes.
i'll update it regularly.
i am far from an expert on the subject, but i will do my best :).
UPDATE !!! : EvoWiki is back !
Enjoy !!! :
hi guys, i know this has been done many times before, but i'm doing it so i can send this out to family and friends who are still in, so i can hopefully open their eyes.
i'll update it regularly.
i am far from an expert on the subject, but i will do my best :).
The solution was given on a newsgroup :
You've got it here :
No waiting !
hi guys, i know this has been done many times before, but i'm doing it so i can send this out to family and friends who are still in, so i can hopefully open their eyes.
i'll update it regularly.
i am far from an expert on the subject, but i will do my best :).
You're welcome !
But I would like to find a way to copy the website (in fact all the claims rebuted) without this long long long download on each claim.
If someone has an idea. I tried already with a Website Copior but it doesn't work (because it's a page of ? )