Has anyone found publicly filed reports on stock holdings, investments. I have always wondered about what they do with the cash. Are 501c corp tax returns public? thanks
JoinedPosts by lapazman
by Terry inthe door to door work is a sham.. the central activity of the watchtower bible and tract society is not spreading their so-called "messege" about the kingdom of jehovah established in the heavens in 1914. that's a load of propaganda.. the door to door activity is feckless in producing converts.
in fact, it is an immense failure of mammoth proportions!.
but, it is a diversion.
Why is it everytime I turn around I am supposed to be paranoid?
by Schism ini know i know, i have too many worries...this is another one of them.. first, i was raised a jw and was told that we were about to go through the great tribulation, a time when men with guns would come to the house and force us out and cut off my 5 year old fingers for not saying the pledge of alleigance to the flag?
and then to be beaten to death with hammers for being a jw?
i grow up, and off and on for every little thing that happens, my jw family reminds me that any day now i could be tortured and killed.
From the time I was 5 or old enough to remember I had nightmares about being tortured, based on the constant breakfast readings of the daily text. It seemed like at least once a week I was questioned on if I would remain faithful regardless of what unhuman feats they would try to break me. Being a child and wanting to believe and please my parents I answered yes. What BS to put ones children through. What mental and emotional abuse. A few (many) years after my dfing, I realized the criminal nature of these teachings and have done my best to rid myself of the paranoid thoughts. Then after being in the 'world' for a while I experienced what I may understand you to be going through. I realized after a while that the media uses the same tactics for profit as do the jw's or is it the other way aroung. Fear sells almost as much as sex sells. Just one ex's view, you need to make the changes yourself.
New and SAD...
by The Dreamer inhello all...i've been searching for some sort of comfort in my situation.
i found a story written by "iamfreenow" aka marion.
i found some comfort to know that i am not alone in my challenging of my faith.
My thoughts and hopes go out to you. I have lived without my parents and siblings for 34 years since I was df'd. I have dealt with it in self destructive ways and then found true friends, involvement in work and living life. For me it stills hurts but over the years the pain dulls. They are a confused group of people and I for myself cannot let it damage my life. There are real people who care for others unconditionally, please try to find them, it is not that hard. I am new here having lurked on and off over the last few years, this place helps.
Are JW kids allowed to be kids?
by tall penguin ini had a memory come up today.
i recall there was a time when kids were allowed to read the subheadings at the watchtower study.
they cut that out because they wanted kids to participate in the same way as the adults, by answering the questions for the paragraphs.
Never. My father took me fishing two times in my entire life. Family vacations for fun, relaxation, NEVER. Always conventions and the stress of my mother's paranoid concern with pressed clothes, ties and looking the part mulitiplied by 4 kids. I was the olders so you know who caught most of it. Oh, and the family pictures in the local small town newpaper of us at conventions looking so *($)$*0 perfect. In a town of 2,000 people everyone saw them and the abuse I recieved at school the following weeks was nearly unbearable. Did learn public speaking and 'speach writing' which has helped but at what cost. Having to start an education in my 30's. Still having pangs of guilt from time to time over celebrating birthdays and holidays. Receiving corporal punishment for misactions during the meetings that would be actionable under law today. Growing up during the 50's and 60's being told on a regular basis to expect physical torture and worse since we were living in the end of days. (born in 52). Dreading school and the teasing, abuse and fist fights over my being a JW. Then getting punished again for not 'turning the other cheek' when coming home. Being pitied by a few teachers and students who were actually true human beings but whom did not understand how this actually made things worse. The list goes on, but what's the use. They will continue destroying their kids lives. The best to all.