Nice one, TJ.
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Women and the size of their ass
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land inthere is a new study just released by the american psychiatric association about how the average woman feels about her ass.
the results are pretty interesting: 5% of women surveyed feel their ass is too big.
10% of women surveyed feel their ass is too small.
Dating a JW and how to get her off the cult or becoming a member myself
by svennibenni ini'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
Jgnat, I wasn't suggesting that the elders could be a help to her, I was suggesting that their marriage would be miserable. I've been in a miserable marriage before and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Dating a JW and how to get her off the cult or becoming a member myself
by svennibenni ini'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
Yikes, jgnat, I'm sorry that you had to hear him say that. However, I have to agree w/ him.
Dude, if you are questioning a realtionship w/ her, then that says a lot right there. If you are to the point that you want to marry someone, you shouldn't have to ask strangers what the hell they think about it. Do you not find that insane?
Dating a JW and how to get her off the cult or becoming a member myself
by svennibenni ini'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
Are you actually encouraging this guy to get married to a JW? I must be reading your posts about being married to a JW differently than you mean for me to interpret them.
What type of person are you attracted to now?
by Layla33 ini was just thinking about this the other day, about how my ideas of a romantic partner have changed since being a jw.. growing up, i thought i would marry a very upstanding jw, we would pioneer together, do missionary work, have children, see the world.
(never had any thoughts about bethel, though.
) so what it boiled down to was a stepford husband, up tight, not the least bit sexual, closed minded bore.. so now that i have grown up, seen the world, been married (and actually picked a good man the first time, although it didn't work out), i just contrast that with what i am attracted to now.. i like them open minded, earthy, i love artistic types because i am a published writer, hair doesn't matter to me (long/short, bald, etc), challenges convention, very sexual, still like a traveling man.. i am just curious if you anyone else can compare and contrast how their ideas have changed since breaking out the group-think of the jw organization..
Hi, Homerovah!
What type of person are you attracted to now?
by Layla33 ini was just thinking about this the other day, about how my ideas of a romantic partner have changed since being a jw.. growing up, i thought i would marry a very upstanding jw, we would pioneer together, do missionary work, have children, see the world.
(never had any thoughts about bethel, though.
) so what it boiled down to was a stepford husband, up tight, not the least bit sexual, closed minded bore.. so now that i have grown up, seen the world, been married (and actually picked a good man the first time, although it didn't work out), i just contrast that with what i am attracted to now.. i like them open minded, earthy, i love artistic types because i am a published writer, hair doesn't matter to me (long/short, bald, etc), challenges convention, very sexual, still like a traveling man.. i am just curious if you anyone else can compare and contrast how their ideas have changed since breaking out the group-think of the jw organization..
Hi, avi!
Gifts for a divorced person...
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land ini've heard "divorce showers" are the newest "support system" for girlfriends with their buddies... my wife and i found this funny site last night.
they make a cd with parodies of popular songs, but done for divorcees.. you can hear clips of the songs, but the best part is the full lyrics are available off the main page.
check it out, funny stuff!.
Divorce showers???? Hey I didn't get one of those...damn it!
Where's the strangest place you have left your cell phone?
by coffee_black inbet you never did this before!.
thursday nights i cook dinner next door for my aunt, my cousin and her three girls.
so this past thursday, right after dinner, cognac called me on my cell phone.
It's not where I left it, it's where it ended up that was so bizarre. I couldn't find it for 2 days and ended up calling my cell provider to have the number frozen. My car is very clean, but I finally decided to rip it apart (moving seats forward and backward, as well as removing all of the floor mats). I finally found it wedged tight inbetween where the floor meets the bottom of the dash board. Then, I remembered exactly what had happened...I was in traffic on the beltway going at least 65-70MPH when everyone came to a complete stop. I slammed on the brakes, only to have my purse go flying onto and dumping out into the floor. Ever since, I put my purse on the passenger side floor and wrap the handles around the gear more spillage!
What type of person are you attracted to now?
by Layla33 ini was just thinking about this the other day, about how my ideas of a romantic partner have changed since being a jw.. growing up, i thought i would marry a very upstanding jw, we would pioneer together, do missionary work, have children, see the world.
(never had any thoughts about bethel, though.
) so what it boiled down to was a stepford husband, up tight, not the least bit sexual, closed minded bore.. so now that i have grown up, seen the world, been married (and actually picked a good man the first time, although it didn't work out), i just contrast that with what i am attracted to now.. i like them open minded, earthy, i love artistic types because i am a published writer, hair doesn't matter to me (long/short, bald, etc), challenges convention, very sexual, still like a traveling man.. i am just curious if you anyone else can compare and contrast how their ideas have changed since breaking out the group-think of the jw organization..
My attraction hasn't changed. As long as he respects and cherishes me, then I would want to be w/ him. Granted, he has to take care of himself. Having a few extra lbs is one thing...having a few extra 50 is another.
the unkindest cut of all?
by chickpea innever believing that a foreskin was a birth defect, i left my sons intact...( called genital integrity in some circles).
what, if anything, makes circumcision less of a mutilation than fgm?.
dont kill the questioner!!
Sweetstuff and Dinah, I am w/ you 100%! I have never been w/ an uncircumcized guy and, honestly, I don't know if I would want to be. (Us girls already have to surpress our gag reflex to a certain point. We dont need more tissue causing issues.) I knew a kid who, when he was around the age of 12, had to be circumcized due to a foreskin infection. It was humiliating for him because, like most of my mother's friends, she told everyone she knew what had happened. If I ever have a son, he will be getting sniped.