JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Whose name on here do you like...
by My Struggle inthere was someones name on here that i thought was great, but cannot remember what it is.. what are some of the better screen names?.
unicorns really existed!!
by Witchs Son ini never noticed those scriptures before but seems that what some translations of bible call bull is actually a unicorn.
i checked several translations, even found this video which made me think.
ok i didn't like the music either, it is not your classic music hit but do check those scriptures and tell me what you think.. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=ub9ynbe4k5i.
Last I checked, the Loch Ness Monster was not ever proven to be a real creature. Neither are bigfoot, hobbits, elves, and/or smurfs.
I know that R.F. had violent storms and tornado warnings last night. Some shingles blew off of the roof of his house. He is OK, though.
DC has a forecast for violent storms this evening. I hope I get home before they start.
Tell Us About Your FIRST KISS
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini was not raised in the cult.
i lived across the street from a county group home that housed 10-12 teen-age boys at any one time.
i was 14 and in heaven.
I was 5 years old and had a crush on the blonde cutie in my Kindergarten class. One day during nap time, I snuck over to his mat and planted one right on his lips. He jumped up, wiped his mouth, yelled for the teacher, and I got put in time out.
Edited to add - Very appropriate that this is in the humor section. My first sexual experience would be, too.
First Kiss
by Bumble Bee inso, it's your first kiss and several questions might come to mind:.
is it the right time?
is anyone watching?.
Bee, are you trying to tell me something?
If not for the 'truth' I'd be a serial killer
by coolhandluke inlet me explain that.
i think humans go through these phases where we see things and experience things that begin to callouse our minds.
my dad is an amazing dichotomy of loving and violent.
After I commented on this thread, I took a little more time to think about my response.
I can't be 100% sure that I would have gone to college, gotten my CPA, and been spearheading a large corporation had I not been raised as a JW. I could have gotten pregnant my freshman year, dropped out of school, have 4 kids by now, and be using food stamps to provide a meal for them. My mother was raised as a Catholic and dropped out of college to marry my father. She had a horrible childhood filled w/ neglect and abuse. Just like joannadandy said, I don't understand how so many people can be sure that they would have had happy childhoods and a well balanced life if they weren't JWs.
Being raised as a JW has helped me to appreciate Saturday mornings more than the average person. Ahhh...sinking back into the bed when you know you don't have to be anywhere...ah...sweet ecstasy.
ten pounds in ten weeks, weeks five and six
by Hortensia inhere is the new thread for weeks five and six.
to repeat, i lost three pounds last week so my total so far from jan 1 is 5 pounds - making my goal of a pound a week.
resolutions fading?
I have been home sick for 2 days and down 10 lbs from last Tuesday...23 lbs total since Dec 17th. The last time I lost weight this fast, I was on the divorce diet. My Sleepytowne pants are baggy in the seat...YAY!
Service has gotten so lame...They didn't even ask why?
by FreeWilly inso the dubs were working my street this weekend.
unfortunately i got home just after they visited my house.
so i see a couple working a few houses down.
There have been a few posters here who have recounted their recent experiences when JWs knocked on their door. Two have stated that they opened the door and magazines were shoved into their hands and the JW turned around and walked away. They are probably just exhausted, losing their vigor and zeal for the ministry, and are praying that the rocks will start screaming out the good news so that they can sleep in for once. I feel bad for them.
Business v. friendship
by sweetface2233 ini have touched on this subject in public a few times and have discussed in detail w/ a few posters exactly what happened between my former best friend and i. to make a long story short, he borrowed money from me (several thousand $) and, in my opinion, carelessly went on a spending spree w/in the next several months.
i confronted him about it, and essentially was given the boot due to it.
at first, i was practically devestated (just like any break-up from a ltr), but now i am over it and have been able to give more focus to my other friends, as well as make new ones.. he and i had minimal contact since the beginning of august to the beginning of january.
Satanus, that's exactly why I think he made those comments. As if pulling on my heart strings will make me become an idoit and not remember how to add, subtract, and figure percentages. He has paid back quite a bit, but not nearly half, and I have a signed contract that includes his agreement to pay interest. I don't want to have to lawyer up, but if push comes to shove, I have that option. As far as contacting his friends, I am not that type of person. I wouldnt want him contacting my friends to check on my business practices, so I won't be doing that to him. Besides, couldn't that make things worse for me? His friends could tell him that I had been inquiring about him and he could use that against me if this situation ever ended up on "Judge Judy". At that point, all of America and parts of Canada would think that I am a stalker and blah, blah, blah. I have learned to pick and choose my battles w/ him.
Business v. friendship
by sweetface2233 ini have touched on this subject in public a few times and have discussed in detail w/ a few posters exactly what happened between my former best friend and i. to make a long story short, he borrowed money from me (several thousand $) and, in my opinion, carelessly went on a spending spree w/in the next several months.
i confronted him about it, and essentially was given the boot due to it.
at first, i was practically devestated (just like any break-up from a ltr), but now i am over it and have been able to give more focus to my other friends, as well as make new ones.. he and i had minimal contact since the beginning of august to the beginning of january.
Oh believe me, I learned my lesson in loaning people money. My last name isn't Bank & Trust. I think I heard somewhere that money is the root to all evil or something like that.