I fell asleep.
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Close your eyes
by John Doe inand let your vision darken.
(this may be difficult to read with your eyes closed, but bear with me ;-) .
hear that monotonous hum?
Believer, Agnostic or Atheist?
by lfcviking ini am curious, what amount people on this board from their experiences of being a baptised & active jw and their subsequent exit from the jw org (for whatever reason or reasons) are now either agnostic, atheist or do some actually still believe in god?.
your honest answers please.. lfcv.
I have to say, after finding this discussion board and reading some of the personal experiences, uneducated opinions, and blatant bitter remarks, it was hard not to think of myself as an Atheist. But then I took a step back, reassessed my thoughts and feelings and decided, for myself, that I am a Deist.
Deism is the belief that there is a God that created the physical universe but does not interfere with it. It is related to a religiousphilosophy and movement that derives the existence and nature of God from reason. (The mention of God in this article is meant more as a Creator than as the Abrahamic God.) It takes no position on what God may do outside the universe. That is in contrast to fideism which is found in many forms of Christianity. [1]Islamic and Judaic teachings hold that religion relies on revelation in sacred scriptures or the testimony of other people as well as reasoning. Deists often use the analogy of God as clockmaker.
Deists typically reject supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God does not intervene with the affairs of human life and the natural laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources. Deists believe that God's greatest gift to humanity is not religion, but the ability to reason.
Deism became prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment, especially in the United Kingdom, France and the United States, mostly among those raised as Christians who found they could not believe in either a triune God, the divinity of Jesus, miracles, or the inerrancy of scriptures, but who did believe in one God. Initially it did not form any congregations, but in time deism led to the development of other religious groups, such as Unitarianism, which later developed into Unitarian Universalism. It continues to this day in the form of classical deism and modern deism.
To quote DanTheMan, "We are someones neglected houseplant."
what do you love?
by odie67 inwhat do you love?
what moves your soul and/or inspires you to the point of complete happiness?.
i had the pleasure of meeting a young man at a party, he was so into the music...it was amazing watching him.
1) Naps
2) Hot baths
3) Hot showers
4) Sushi
5) Eating sushi while taking a hot bath followed by a hot shower and a nap.
Self -Employed or Otherwise Gainfully Employed - Gas Prices Eating You Up?
by flipper inlast night at the gas pump i had a verbal , emotional outburst , swearing to no one in particular - just the gas pump , until i saw 2 guys at the island down from me - so i figured i'd let it rip !
frustration over these insanely rising gas prices finally took it's toll on even -keeled mr. flipper !
i started my rant , wanting these guys feedback , " what is it with these #ucking gas prices ?
Every person on earth who owns and drives a vehicle (and even some who don't, i.e. fuel surcharges) is dealing w/ the increased gas prices. I am no different than anyone else.
Relief for nighttime leg cramps
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, i'm closing in on 500 posts, but have almost no 'new topics' to my name.
i don't feel like starting anything profoundly spiritual.
so, i'll share this tip that has worked for my kinfolk.. on both sides of my family, we frequently suffer from nighttime leg craps.
Hmmm...I, too, have suffered from leg and foot cramps, not only in my sleep, but at any given time during the day, since I was a little girl. No matter how much water I drink, potassium I take, or stretching I do, I still succumb to thigh, calf, and foot cramps. I also remember that my brother had the same problem when he was a teen; not sure if he still does. I have never heard of this regimen. How big does the bar of soap need to be? I think I have a hotel sized bar in my makeup bag from my trip to the ocean in March. I don't think I have purchased a bar of soap since my divorce 4 1/2 years ago. Does the same effect work if I throw a bottle of body wash between the sheets?
???Do you spank your kids???
by Princess Daisy Boo intell me how you feel about spanking your kids - be honest now!!!
have you ever, and under what circumstances?.
what other methods of discipline do you use?
My parents spanked me ALL the time...and I freakin' deserved every one of them. I was a brat! I never felt physically abused by either one of them. I don't have children, but there are times when I swat my cat's behind when she jumps up on a table or counter. (disgusting!)
Is BeaNO safe for dogs???
by Low-Key Lysmith inmy poor old boy's teeth just aren't what they used to be.
i've begun feeding him wet canned dog food so that he can eat a little easier.
problem is now, he busts off with some of the foulest farts on record.
Um momz, Breck lives no where near me, but I will welcome his kisses.
Is BeaNO safe for dogs???
by Low-Key Lysmith inmy poor old boy's teeth just aren't what they used to be.
i've begun feeding him wet canned dog food so that he can eat a little easier.
problem is now, he busts off with some of the foulest farts on record.
Your son Rip is on line toot.
Although I do agree w/ some of the modding comments here, as far as I know, and read from the WWW Admin, it was closed due to his lack of interest in anything XJW. I believe that he has other things going on in his life that are taking precedence over running an Internet discussion board. I wish him and his the best in living a happy life!
Best American Idol finale EVER !!!!!!!!!!!
by troubled mind indid you watch wasn't it great !!!!!!!!!!
This show is still on? I've never watched one episode, but it did discover Chris Daughtry...one fine and talented beefcake!