They would hear about wars simply because “nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom”. Things such as “food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another” are not a sign of the death of an Age but are of the very first signs of the labor pains of a birth.
Doug interesting points you make. On the point quoted above wasnt everything (conclusion of sysem of things & sign of his presence) connected ie in the same time period? You say its not a sign of a 'death' but of a 'birth' but to me its just figurative of the beginning of sufferings using the analogy of birth pains and that would mean there were more greater sufferings ahead. Further after Jesus talked about wars, famines & earthquakes he said they were a "beginning" and then went into more detail on other signs including the sun being darkened etc then gave the illustration of the fig tree and when we see these things happening 'know that he is near at the door." etc
I guess a question i could ask myself is when the disciples asked Jesus the question about Jerusalems destruction and then the sign of his presence and conclusion of the system of things did Jesus in his reply seperate those things or was his reply to the whole of that question? But v29 of Matt 24 says "Immediately after the tribulation of those days..." seemingly linking the previous verses of the chapter to the signs of Jesus coming. If he didnt mean that what did he mean when he said "those days"? Would like to hear what anybody else thinks about these points.