Thanks again for all your replies.
Leolaia i know what you mean about comparing any two threads giving different results. I know to have been more accurate the same people should have posted in both threads but that would have been very unlikely. I guess i was just making an observation from those two threads and throwing it out in a general way. Not scientific but i thought an interesting question to ask what others felt about it.
Reefton Jack good proverb. I think i read that in a former post of yours with another one that escapes me at the minute.
greendawn thanks for your observation. I think if there were more JW's here to argue their case from what ive observed that is what the discussion would end up being an argument.
Outlaw so anybody who doesnt agree with you is a dimwit? lol you sure you havent carried anything over from JW's assuming that you were one and arent anymore?
Hortensia picking up on what you said in your first paragraph was kind of also in my mind when i posed the question.
Just to be a bit clearer on what i was asking. Obviously everyone is different but as a fairly high percentage on here are ex-JW's and carry over a negative experience (baggage) some to a higher degree than others and even hatred for the religion, they share something in common. From a psychological point of view wouldnt that make them more likely to accept negative info about JW's and "filter out" (quoted from Greendawn) any positive info therefore having a particular mindset even if it is a general one? I wasnt stating an opinion on wether i think this is good or bad just purely from psychological viewpoint. Maybe if i asked the question in a general way and changed JW to some other religion/cult therefore removing any baggage and it being about 'me' i might get a different viewpoint from some?
I think its only fair to give a brief description of my 'baggage'. In the 'truth' for a number of decades. Didnt fade just stopped going some months ago and havent been to a meeting since. I dont know wether that makes me just an inactive JW or an ex-JW as ive not ben disfellowshipped or disassociated. I dont carry any hatred or bitterness but i dont know wether that will change or not in the future.