Thanks for the welcome!
I looked in earlier posts for a claim of divine exclusiveness:
"But I'm sort of unique I think. Maybe a little like OBVES. When people
leave the Borg some sort of drift into that foggy agnostic, anti-Biblical, non-
inspired world out there. I don't. I'm on the OTHER SIDE of the Borg. I'm
the anointed JW who has the advanced Biblical knowledge and totally pro-Biblical
absolutism. I'm into the religion, anti-evolution, spoken to God personally, a
prophet, the whole nine yards here."
"Now the 144,000 only applies to the Jews and they make up only 10% of the
entire number. Thus the entire number if 1,440,000! (Isa 6:13)" "...there
So I looked for what's meant to substantiate it:
"Scientists who logically calculate the speed of light, logically figure they
are looking at stars billions of years old because that's how long it took for
their light to reach the earth; but not necessarily so, if God needed the stars
in the heavens to shine onto the earth without waiting. God has the ability to
create the stars along with their billion-year light source if he wants.
"BUT IF... you want to hang your chance for eternal life on a scientific theo-
ry that might be wrong and based upon inaccurate conclusions rather than believ-
ing the Bible, be my guest."
The next passages remind me of Louis Farrakhan using numerology except meant
as corroboration to support the Jesus/Michael stance.
"Interesting. I gave up discussing issues about the Flood when I found out the
ice cores used to introduce millions of years of chronology were standing on
top of tropical vegetation on the floor of the Antartica. That's enough global
flood evidence/indication for me."
A disagreement with the credibilty of the above:
A recent rendition of arbitrary historicism about Matt.24:15, etc.:
"1939-1945: THE HOLOCAUST. The above references are to the Holocaust and the
focus of this tribulation against Jews and Jehovah's witnesses, who are con-
sidered to be the "holy ones" or the holy place."
"30And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the
tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the
Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
"1947-1954: The 'sign of the son of man' would begin to appear during this
time to the 'eagle anointed.' Whether that was fulfilled or not you have to
check with them, but we assume that it was. The sign was in the form of cloud
images of the dead messiah and so that's why they beat themselves in lamentation
and cry over the messiah. Of course, a lot of explanation goes with that, but
the sign continued to appear to the anointed and it was specifically photo-
graphed in 1998. Here's what it looked like:
"So we know what the sign was, what it looked like, the nature it took in that it
was cloud imagery and thus fulfilling that it would 'appear in heaven'. An
explanation of what the sign means in connection with the Christ can be found
elsewhere in my posts."
I wouldn't recommend giving the sign you gave of the suffering Messiah in the
clouds in 1998 a substantiation for calling other people foggy and uninspired.
It's not a very friendly variation of day dreaming about cloud shapes.
I wondered what all the forced point insincerity and straining to seem exclu-
sive was all about. When the JWs leaders feign it with their stance of being
the only spokespeople for a literal 144,000, they use horse*** to seem exclusive
and don't care who it hurts, even if kids die at hospitals, with any distiction
they claim I've checked. You're not crazy, claiming to be Christ, or a sincere ex-
extremist--you're a variation of that.
The dumpster statement wasn't far off. If you're going to play prophet, not
caring if it aims to create unnecesary division between people at the least,
there should be a sign of God for it. You're welcome to knock it off so your
friendliness is credible--not much if you don't.