Dear friends,
I have a question for you..
The JWs teach Jesus is Micheal the Arc Angel right? Okay then, how do they explain John 1:1? Wether or not you believe Jesus was God or Jesus was A god, the fact of the matter is that the JWs acknowledge that that verse is identifying Jesus as a god. So here is my question...according to the Jesus a god or a Angel?? You cannot be both can you??
Second question...for those who do not believe in the Trinity...the Bible says there is only one true God..then does that make Jesus a false god?? Because John 1:1 definately says he is a god. The debate is wether he is THE God, or A god..still if he is not THE God..does that make him a false god??
(Just to clarify..I a still out to lunch on the Trinity doctorine although there sure are an aweful lot of scriptures that seem to support it...and I do not believe Jesus is Micheal the Arc Angel....however, I am trying to look at all angles before I decide what I am going to believe).
Lady Liberty