JoinedPosts by glenster
Postcard Marketing Knocking to JWs: "Governing Body Approved Interviews"
by cabasilas ini got the large postcard today that apparently is designed to market the movie knocking to jws.
under "knocking opens the door on jehovah's witnesses," it states:.
knocking was broadcast on pbs and written about in newsweek, usa today and newspapers from detroit to dallas.
^ P.S.: I got mixed up with another post--"looloo" should be "Witness 007."
It sounds like I called JCanon "looloo," and that's not his name, at least
not that we care to have publicly known. Sorry. -
Witness Propaganda= Hitler lost the War = He persecuted the Witnesses!!
by Witness 007 inwe were always told that hitler lost the war because of putting brothers in the concentration camp.
yes, jehovah "arranged" the whole thing.
same with the soviet union.
Another point to make about the same current JWs leaders' myth is that they
claim their position of political neutrality protected their followers.
Actually, while Hitler was acting forcibly against political dissent, JWs didn't
get sent to camps and killed till after Rutherford threatened Hitler that he'd
send unarmed JWs, critical of Hitler, into German streets. Rutherford had too
exclusivist a prophet-playing act to have them work with others against Hitler
with a low profile. Rutherford's position of safe distance in a San Diego man-
sion protected him, though.Nov.1, 1934 "Some will say: 'If in the face of so much persecution and oppo-
sition we continue to go out amongst the people and publicly tell these truths,
then I fear we may be killed.' That is true; and probably many of the faithful
will be killed because they continue to faithfully proclaim the truth which they
have learned in the secret place of the Most High." ("The Watchtower," Nov.1,
1934, p.328)Jan.9, 1935 The first documented case of a JW incarcerated in Moringen con-
centration camp was Anna Seifert. -
^ whether one believes in the Bible or not. The burdon of proof for extra-
ordinary claims is on the claimant, not the one who considers it extraordinary
and unproven. God is possible, a false prophet is not. A Christian can have a
sincere hope and want to be good by others, but should be especially careful not
to be reckless with their hope commitment if anyone could be harmed. If so,
they should be skeptical., early on, Jim Jones claimed to be a reincarnation of Jesus, and was
seen removing a piece of pocketed chicken guts from his coat while pretending to
be a psychic surgeon and create a marketing group for himself. If more people,
believers and non-believers alike, made that well known early on, it wouldn't
have made God any less possible but maybe nobody would have been kiiled when
Jones' seemingly interminable need to have his ego stroked went sour. -
is a homosexual as bad as a paodophile to a jw ?
by looloo inthe same guy that spoke to my mum on the doors yesterday was talking about them in the same catergory , aswell as saying that there are alot of 13 to 15 year old girls hanging around the local night club looking for a one night stands (she should of asked him how he knew about this , is that because he is there ?
) his point was is a man of 25 that picks up a 15 year old plastered in makeup at a nightclub a paedophile ?
which was totally irrelevant to the point she was making about the local ex min servant that had abused his daughters friends in the cong even though he was good friends with thier parents and had known the girls since birth , so did know they were underage .
looloo: TG for Copy and Paste--I already had this at my web site:
1995 "True, some individuals may very well be prone to homosexuality...a
Christian cannot excuse immoral behavior by saying he was 'born that way.'
Child molesters invoke the same pathetic excuse when they say their craving for
children is 'innate.' But can anyone deny that their sexual appetite is per-
verted? So is the desire for someone of the same sex." ("Awake!" Feb.8, 1995)The Watchtower stance is that homosexuality is a sin like child molestation. defenses of interpretations of scriptures to not ban homosexuality: articles about homosexuality and pedophilia:"See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that
their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven."
(Matthew 18:10, New Jerusalem Bible) -
Question about Pantheism or panentheism.
by darkuncle29 inthese are not the same thing right?
is the difference just a nuance of language?
i may be getting them mutually confused.. just for the sake of conversational understanding, could i oversimplify and say that "pantheism is 'all things are god', 'the universe is god'?
Here are a few articles that explain that a bit. The third one says tradi-
tional Chinese Taoism is polytheistic.: -
Witness 007--I wouldn't say he's the anti-Christ, no. He's a variation of a
JWs leader with his own set of forced points and omissions of pertinent evidences
for a cooked up exclusiveness that carries a cynical regard of most others. If
you see how the one does it, you know how the other does it. Socially, it's the
sincere insincerity of the early JWs leaders on the make. If and when the oper-
ation get big, they may insulate themselves like the heads of organized crime or
the phone company. recommendation is to see it as more like the know-it-all bravado humor of
Little Richard or early Muhammed Ali, Jackie Mason or Prof.Irwin Corey. If it's
entertaining for you, that's it, but it would be silly to take it purely ser-
iously. He's not in a position of power to create the harm of unnecessary divi-
sion betwen people or worse that a combination of a serious racket and power can
create--it's done with some humor and most seem to see him as a local eccentric.
If you've done the research, it could even be interpreted as instructive as a
parody of a JWs leader since that's what it's partly a copy of. -
Did you see Jones town last night ?
by mouthy init was horrible.
i had seen before a documentry about it.
also i had read the book.
To Cross Or Not to Cross you be the judge!
by Hope4Others inas a solar-phallic symbol, i have no problems with it at all.
it symbolizes generation and regeneration... birth, life, death, rebirth... .
i have observed that many people wear crosses that have no religious identity.
For what it's meant to mean in a conservative Christian view, I'd go with
apostle Paul boasting in the cross (Gal.6:14)--the cross just being symbolic for
what Jesus did for those of faith in the meaning of it, etc.For worrying about pagan connotations beyond that (crosses, Christmas tress,
etc.), I'd go with apostle Paul, 1 Cor.8-11, where he parallels eating at an
idol temple with eating at the Lord's Supper--either is okay in strong faith or
bad with weak faith. An easy way to remember it is to imagine the non-faith
side of the same coin--you never hear of an atheist worrying they have to go to
church from now on because they ate a sandwich near a church. The Christian
faith makes the difference, not non-Christians using a faith meaning the
Christian doesn't share for it.Christianity was to spread from the Jewish culture it started in to the
cultures surrounding it without the ethically unnecessary rules about things,
unclean things, etc., which made for unnecessary division between followers.
Working against that by adding those things is just for a JWs leader or JCanon
routine at affecting exclusiveness (and, unfortunately, division between people)
with their own rules--they can't be of a literal 144,000 of exceptional faith
and what Paul defines as weak in their faith at the same time. -