I have rambled on here with my story, it probably doesn't make much sense spilling out in a train of jumbled thoughts.
No, your story makes perfect sense, It is told here over and over and over again. Welcome to JWD!
not the actual bluegrass here in kentucky, just a family here that have decided to stop being part of jehovah's witnesses.. .
my wife and i were both raised in the organization and it is still a difficult journey for us.
her family is still active and that makes it tough for us to go quietly.
I have rambled on here with my story, it probably doesn't make much sense spilling out in a train of jumbled thoughts.
No, your story makes perfect sense, It is told here over and over and over again. Welcome to JWD!
at the wednesday night ministry school meeting, a letter from the society was read announcing that wtbts paperbacked publications will begin to be laminated.
according to the letter, this "will save approximately 2 million dollars per year," "lengthen the life of the publications," and "increase the attractiveness" of the publications.. so there's that.. .
also, will someone please explain to me why 85% of the congregation started smiling and nodding at this.. i sometimes think that headquarters could send the congregations boxes of turds and the jws would act like it was the best thing ever..
What have they been doing since they went from hardcover to paperback? What is the laminating replacing?
i have heard from my father (who is an elder about 50 years old) that there is a great seperating work going on within the org.
he said that almost all of the people my age 25 to 35 have quit going to our hall (about 20 people).
i have not been to a meeting in about 1 year.
I haven't been to a kh in 20 years but heard from an inactive cousin that my home congregation in PA went from over 100 to about 30. But the population in general is decreasing in that area due to the poor economy. What's really interesting is that the young people who move away to better economic areas are leaving the organization in droves. Whether it's the changing doctrines, the blood or df'ing issues or the recent news coverage of the pedophile problem, the Internet is exposing the WTB&TS for what it really is, a corrupt publishing corporation.
I have no idea what's going on in Ohio where I live now, because I have no contact with jws here. However, they've only been to my door once in the almost 6 years that I've lived here. That's got to say something about dwindling jw population and/or door to door activity.
someone asked the same question in a post on the silentlambs guest book.
there is no explanation that i could find as to the interest in the november watchtower.
did i miss something?
Someone asked the same question in a post on the silentlambs guest book. There is no explanation that I could find as to the interest in the November Watchtower. Did I miss something? Does anyone know what's going on?
based on the experiences of terry here on jwd and matthias church in his youtube videos, attention was drawn to them at the dc's, because they were wearing casual clothing.
what do you figure is going to happen to any "worldly" people who accept this invite?
do you think they'll be asked to leave before they get through the front door or followed around by goons in suits?.
Based on the experiences of Terry here on JWD and Matthias Church in his YouTube videos, attention was drawn to them at the dc's, because they were wearing casual clothing. What do you figure is going to happen to any "worldly" people who accept this invite? Do you think they'll be asked to leave before they get through the front door or followed around by goons in suits?
i actually went to the service meeting last night and low and behold the announcement was about the wtbts not charging interest on the loans on kingdom halls anymore but they still had to pay back the principle balance , i never knew they charged interest but think that it was a very dishonest thing for them to do to begin with .
you have to borrow money to pay for a building that the wtbts owns?
to charge interest is a very worldly practice since it was against mosaic law to do so and clearly jesus would never have asked anything of the sort .
Somewhere on JWD a letter was recently posted from the WTB&TS asking congregations to deposit their reserve funds into the society's account without interest being earned for the congregations. I wonder if not charging interest on kh loans is a trade off. The society could make a lot more in interest on large investments than the 6% they earned on kh loans. Even so, 6% seems awfully steep in the recent real estate market. We refinanced our home loan about 3 years ago and got an interest rate in the 5% range.
i found this youtube video very entertaining and enlightening..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbjxhljc6ko.
I posted those videos in response to Terry's post about being asked to leave a convention before he even got through the door.
leaving the borg of jehovah presents a somewhat lonely existence for many of us fallen angels.
for a time we may seek to find an entirely new body-associate.
many may find that after so many years in a controlled environment like the watchtower that they have a hard time finding a large group of friends again.
With the exception of going out to do a story or the ocassional lunch meeting, I work at home, and my husband usually works long hours, so I'm alone a lot. And I like it, but I also enjoy Friday nights when my best girlfriend and her son bring Chinese food and we sit and talk and laugh for hours. I also like the holidays, because there are always tons of people around. It seems everyone is so busy these days that the only time I get to see them is during big dinners or parties.
i have been fading for years now and attend meetings very rarely these days.
but something happened recently to make me think about going regularly again.
a couple have returned to my congregation who used to be special pioneers here twenty years ago.
This sounds like a broad version of Stockholm Syndrome to me.
this is not to take away from the hardship a lot of people had due to abuse and other things inhumane people had to suffer as a result of growing up a witness that i have never have had to deal with.
however, nearly all of the bad experiences i have had growing up that i can recall are a direct result of doing the wrong thing against "jehoober" and the guilt that goes along with it.
man made rules, forced confession, missing meetings, not good enough, natural experiences growing up a dude - all bad/demonic, etc etc.
This is not to take away from the hardship a lot of people had due to abuse and other things inhumane people had to suffer as a result of growing up a witness that I have never have had to deal with. However, nearly all of the bad experiences I have had growing up that I can recall are a direct result of doing the wrong thing against "jehoober" and the guilt that goes along with it.
Just because you weren't beaten and/or raped or otherwise molested while in the organization, it doesn't make your experience any less traumatic. As a matter of fact, it may have made it even moreso. I was physically and mentally terrorized by an unstable jw husband the whole time I was in, so I didn't have the time or inclination to take the assault against my psyche by the WTB&TS personally or seriously. I knew all along that he was a nutcase. You on the other hand, my friend, had someone who was supposed to be the voice of God telling you what a horrible person you are. There's a reason why so many jws either attempt or commit suicide. It is because they are told by this same voice of God that they can never do enough, they can never be good enough.
So, to answer your question, "Who am I?" -- You are a survivor.
And as for your second question, "Who would I be?" -- You'd be the same person you are now minus many emotional scars.