People who make the truth EXCITING!

by slimboyfat 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I have been fading for years now and attend meetings very rarely these days. But something happened recently to make me think about going regularly again.

    A couple have returned to my congregation who used to be special pioneers here twenty years ago. They were the ones who studied with various members of my family who became Witnesses. They also studied with lots of my family who did not become Witnesses in the end including my mum and dad. This subsequently affected me as I decided to have a Bible study when I was thirteen. They did not bring me in the truth directly - I started my study long after they left - but they are responsible for setting the whole thing off in my family so I feel they are responsible in some sense.

    And it is not just my family this couple had a big impact on. They pioneered in our congregation for about ten years and in that time studied with dozens of people, probably about 30 of them to baptism. There are eight left in the congregation now who studied with them, a few died, and some others moved to other congregations, and some drifted out of the truth as well.

    Their return to the congregation has created a real buzz of excitement that I have not known in all the time I have attended. There is a sense that we are on the move again. Things are happening theocratically. They are visitng old studies that they had, including my family, trying to spark the interest again. They have also started new studies in the few weeks they have been back and at the meetings you always see them talking to new ones and other people's Bible studies encouraging them. They are at it non-stop. No wonder they had such success before.

    Although I heard a lot about them, I had only met them a couple of times before they moved back recently, so this is the first time I have got to see them close up. I can certainly see how they got their reputation and why they have been remembered so fondly all these years. They are both very intelligent and very committed to the truth. And from their comments they love to get into the details of prophecies, like at the Revelation book study, and they express themselves with real conviction. She especially loves to get into the Greek words and all that whenever there is opportunity at the Watchtower study.

    We asked them to come over and visit us next week and I am looking forward to it. But I am a bit torn. Half of me can't help but be affected by their infectious enthusiasm for the truth. They also remind me of gentler times in my youth when the world was less complicated and the truth was there all conveniently mapped out in the pages of the colourful Watchtower magazines. You can't blame me for yearning for that feeling once again. It comes over me ever so comfy. Resisting them might be a bit like trying to evade the onset of a pleasant nap while stretched out in the lazy summer sun.

    But then half of me wants to wring their bloody necks and ask them what the hell they think they are playing at. I mean these people are clever. Do they never doubt?

    I really wonder how things will go in the end.

  • minimus

    Slim, I just commented on your other thread. How can YOU possibly go from clearly seeing the bullshit of the Watchtower writers to being excited by those that brought you and others in the "Truth"? You're sad, man.

  • sacolton

    Just because they show zeal and have the gift of gab isn't worth hearing their false propaganda. They obviously glorify the organization better than most JWs ... all the more reason to avoid them, IMHO.

  • Finally-Free

    Most con artists are outgoing, exciting, and personable. That's why people fall for their shit.


  • sir82

    I dunno, there are plenty of charismatic & enthusiastic time-share salesmen as well....doesn't mean I'm going to sink $50,000 into one, though.

    It's all well and good that they make "the truth" seem exciting....but if it ain't "the truth", what difference does it make?

  • james_woods

    They are glorifying the "organization"? No, they are glorifying themselves in the eyes of others.

    I submit to you that they are on a self-worshipping ego trip. It is masturbatory - they want everybody around them in that congregation to look up to them, even worship the ground they walk on. It is as sick as a TV evangalista on the order of Joyce Myers or the "reverand" Tilton.

    They are not worthy of your admiration - they are certainly not worthy of your worship, nor the control of your mind.

    Which is what they really want - along with the whole corrupt organization.

  • BizzyBee


    It's called "charisma." Some people have it like other people have blue eyes - a birthright.

    My JW aunt had charisma such as you describe. She was gifted in the ability to manipulate the people around her. She brought many people into the organization and resuscitated and inspired legions of slackers. Literally, on her deathbed two years ago, she was still witnessing to the hospital staff and charming the pants off all visitors - of which there were many. She asked one of the elders if he thought Armageddon might come before she died. She was almost 90 and had worked since she was a young girl to earn the everlasting life that she'd been promised.

    People selling phony stocks and used cars also have this talent. And there is no shortage of suckers who will buy worthless stock and lemons.

  • BreakingAway

    To be honest, when I first read this thread...I thought it was a joke.Maybe it is and the "Fooled Ya !!! " will come later.At any rate, I don't mean to be rude by saying this-- but it sounds like emotion is completely overriding rational thought.I have noticed lately in a number of posts that you indeed have a yearning to go back, so do what you need to do

    However, since you created this thread you're obviously looking for others take on the subject, so I'll be honest.I really can't see how someone could spend so much time here and after seeing all of the devastation that this cult has done, and continues to do, while lying through its teeth, would want to go back to it ? Especially, referring to it as the "truth".Do we really need to go through the long laundry list of how severely this org has affected people ?

    Shunning of children and others because of some misstep ? Kicking people out of Bethel after encouraging them to take a vow of poverty and give up everything and go there,removing elders because of having a child go to college,Shun others, including their own family members-even though it may cause them to become suicidal, let their children die because of not taking blood,disfellowship those for not agreeing with their religious leaders, don't celebrate holidays, birthdays,etc.,or honor they're parents because it's "pagan",allow child molesters in the cong. without informing anyone but will publicly mark someone for such "questionable" behavior as telling others they watch rated R movies or listening to the wrong music ,don't plan for retirement because the end has been "just around the corner" for over 100 years,commend people for selling their businesses and homes to spend more time knocking on doors,ban beards,disfellowship a woman for wearing a pantsuit in "service",disfellowship a married couple for what they privately do in their bedroom,tell people what to think,wear,and act,claim that they're God's sole channel on earth and that everyone who isn't a JW will die, and and a plethora of other things which they fully support and give power to.This is the "truth" ? And it's "exciting" ? I'm not sure the real question is about going back, because you probably never really left.Once again, I'm not trying to be mean here, just honest.Sometimes we all need a boot back to reality once in a while.


    Ahh yes the Donny and Marie of the borg. Look closely at the back of their heads to see if you can spot the 3rd eye.


  • WTWizard

    Here's what you might expect:

    Once you go to the boasting sessions again, you will start getting Brother Hounder to look at every aspect of your personal life. What have you been doing that is a "sin"? Have you been on any "apostate" sites? Do you have any apostate material? Are you doing other things? Do you fully believe that the Washtowel has the absolute truth and that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger actually tells the truth? You will have a lot of readjustment to do at this point.

    Once you pass that point without having Brother Hounder form your judicial committee, you are going to be hounded to once again go out in field circus on a regular basis. They will start looking for you out in field circus regularly. You will now have a regular share in those waste of paper distribution campaings, including the dreaded NR38 (which is TBA) and those invitations. They will also start hounding you to bring others into the cancer. You will have to turn in a field circus slip again.

    Now that you are regular in field circus, you will have to start obeying the petty rules. Is your hair just so? If not, you will have to get it cut or fixed. If you have improper colored shirts or glasses, you will have to waste the money to get that fixed (and what is "proper" depends on the congregation). Money wasted on field circus supplies adds up. And so does money wasted on wardrobe changes whenever the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or the local hounders sees fit.

    Additionally, you will start being asked for money. One thread warns that they are asking $550 a month on a$$embly Hell projects, for an unknown duration. Most of that money will end up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. You will be hounded to chip in your fair share, whether for a Kingdumb Hell or A$$embly Hell. There will be other expenses that will add up, mostly to support some scam or another. Again, most of it will end up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

    Before returning, ask yourself two very important questions. (1) Is what you are about to do good or bad for yourself? (2) Is what you are about to do good or bad for society? If it is bad for self or society, you are about to do something immoral. And don't just trust the people that are showcasing the "truth". Trust your own independent thinking. Research it with independent sources. But, don't just jump back in without first doing the full, objective cost/benefit analysis. Otherwise, you are sure to regret it later.

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