Very cute link. It said I'm a Cinderella as well...but I'd definitely say Esmeralda from Hunchback (hence my nickname *lol*) Guess she wasn't on their list of choices!
just for fun!!!
my friend sent this to me.
Very cute link. It said I'm a Cinderella as well...but I'd definitely say Esmeralda from Hunchback (hence my nickname *lol*) Guess she wasn't on their list of choices!
i just wanted to let you know of a simple way you can help in the fight to raise public awareness of the problem of child abuse.. here is a url where you can purchase a mint green ribbon pin.
it is an outward symbol of your support of those who are victims of, and fighters against child molestation.. please go here: .
Hi Dedalus sweet little brother!!!
Oh yes, my dear, JackD and I have imagined many times Dr. Phil ripping into relatives like mine for the practice of shunning, etc. I have written to Dr. Phil and Oprah seperately, and jointly at least four times in the past year. I even entered an essay in a contest for people to get a one on one session with Dr. Phil, my entry asked how I could get beyond my JW relatives shadow over my life. No answer...but I seem to be finding my way out of that shadow on my own these days!!!
I will write again, and it's great if you do too (you're so much better at it than I!) Keep trying. I do remember one quick sentence once where Dr. Phil says he never gets into religion or politics with his clients because it is just a matter of opinions, etc.
But we can't afford to give up!
*huggggggggs* to you and Foxy! Is she showing yet? My Dad went home yesterday...kind of felt like sending a kid off to college *lol*
My husband got a GREAT job and starts in three weeks. With one of the top five firms in the state for benefits. One of the top 101 companies in the country to work for! I had a feeling that once my Dad was better, the job would appear. Boy was I right! An hour after he dropped my Dad off at home, the call came that he was hired. I still can't believe it! :) :) :)
Back to the first topic, I have high hopes that either Mitch Albom or our local Fox affiliate will come through with some coverage. Mitch never shys away from controversy, and the Fox affiliate is the one who got hidden video of that Elder who was ripping off the school system, punching in for overtime on the weekends and then going out in service! So I know they have no reservation about going up against JW's.
Keep me posted if you get a response from Oprah! Maybe if we all keep knocking, she'll open the door finally!
*hugs* love you and Foxy! Please send me a picture when you can! I know I'm gonna send some to you as soon as I can. I'd love to put your picture up on my family wall :)
p.s. OH! My little girl lost her first tooth today! I can't believe it...wasn't she teething just five minutes ago??? *lol*
tuesday, august 7, 2001 .
e-mail this article .
new hampshire women to file suit against jehovahs witnesses.
I have already written the local ABC, NBC and Fox news affiliates and also to nationally known columnist/radio host Mitch Albom.
I'll let you know if I get any responses.
i just wanted to let you know of a simple way you can help in the fight to raise public awareness of the problem of child abuse.. here is a url where you can purchase a mint green ribbon pin.
it is an outward symbol of your support of those who are victims of, and fighters against child molestation.. please go here: .
No doubt about that, larc. Just spreading the word about the pins as requested by the folks who work with the Green Ribbon volunteers. Just about every cause these days has a ribbon color, just wanted folks to know that this one does as well.
p.s. i've already written the local Fox, ABC and NBC news affiliates and also Mitch Albom with the links to those AP stories.
in response to the commonly-repeated myth that all ex-witnesses are bitter angry people with nothing better to do then attack their former religion, i thought we should set the record straight.
where are you in life right now?
are you doing things that you always wanted to do, traveling to interesting places in your free time, making great new friends, generally enjoying life?
woooooooo hoooo. You go, Bboy! Someday when you're really famous we'll all be able to say we 'knew you when'. ;)
i just wanted to let you know of a simple way you can help in the fight to raise public awareness of the problem of child abuse.. here is a url where you can purchase a mint green ribbon pin.
it is an outward symbol of your support of those who are victims of, and fighters against child molestation.. please go here: .
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know of a simple way you can help in the fight to raise public awareness of the problem of child abuse.
Here is a URL where you can purchase a mint green ribbon pin. It is an outward symbol of your support of those who are victims of, and fighters against child molestation.
Please go here:
for info on how to get a pin. Also, if you have a website, please consider writing to the owner of this site, Holli for permission to attatch the Mint Green ribbon and banner to your website. Every little bit helps! Do what you can, however little to help this cause!
edited to fix link~
public affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
I am so sorry that I ate dinner before I read that!
I cannot believe their two faced attempt to sound as if their policies are at all reasonable.
How will the public feel when they find out that their 'harmless, friendly' neighborhood JW knocking at their door might be a known child molester? How would do the elders involved SLEEP AT NIGHT when these same offenders molest again and again??!!!!
So sickening. SO SICKENING!!!!
As I came the end of reading that letter, I heard, clearly in my head a line from the movie The Scarlet Pimpernel: a woman spits on a man who is sending her to the guilletine and shouts:
"May God have mercy on your soul, monsieur, you are surely damned for what you do."
I wouldn't want to be any of these people who will surely bear responsibilty for putting the 'rights' of molesters above their innocent victims.
in response to the commonly-repeated myth that all ex-witnesses are bitter angry people with nothing better to do then attack their former religion, i thought we should set the record straight.
where are you in life right now?
are you doing things that you always wanted to do, traveling to interesting places in your free time, making great new friends, generally enjoying life?
Hi circe! Good to 'see' you! Please give my best to felix. I thought about you guys a lot in the month that my Dad was in the big University hospital that is near you, if you still live in the same city!
I am glad to hear that you are both doing so well! :)
take care *hugs*
p.s. to Bboy...the WEST WING??!! My husband (JackDawson on the boards) and I never miss it! Did you have a speaking role? :) :) :) Good luck on your acting career!
in response to the commonly-repeated myth that all ex-witnesses are bitter angry people with nothing better to do then attack their former religion, i thought we should set the record straight.
where are you in life right now?
are you doing things that you always wanted to do, traveling to interesting places in your free time, making great new friends, generally enjoying life?
Great thread, tergiversator! I'd love to put your post, or anything you care to write on this subject up on the web. I started a successful lives section of my website just because so many people said the same thing: "all ex-jw's get stuck and are bitter!" not true!
Check out the stories folks have sent me at:
I am happier now than I've ever been. I am married to a wonderful (never jw) man, raising a happy and healthy child, and allowing myself to develop fully as a person despite living with chronic pain and illness (due to Multiple Sclerosis).
I find the website writing and correspondance I do with others trying to land on their feet after leaving the tower to be the most rewarding work I've ever done.
I could go on for hours about how much better my life is for being free of the Borg!
If anyone wants to contribute their happy outcomes and have them up on the web, please e mail them to me. I appreciate it and will post your real name only if you explicitly tell me to: otherwise I use net aliases.
Thanks again tergiversator!
i am very sad this morning.. i just found out this morning that a man that i grew up with and have known since i was a very young girl commited suicide earlier this week.
i had not seen him in 11 years, since i left the kingdom hall for the last time.
he was about 5 years older than me.
Hi Stacey,
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how deeply you can be affected by the suicide of someone who, while not an 'everyday' figure in your life, had great impact on you. I wrote something recently about a pioneer I knew who committed suicide, its at this link.
Also here's a touching post Doug Shields wrote about a friend who had committed suicide:
My thoughts are with you, and your friend today.