Hey Bill,
I read the first page of responses to this but not through them all, I want to tell you where I've been and hope it may help you a little.
Back when I was still a JW (trying to stay in, thinking it was the only way) I read Toxic Parents by Susan Forward (It changed my life) and that is what put me into therapy. I realized I wanted to break the dysfunctional cycle in my family and this was without even religion being involved.
In the course of my therapy, I wrote, and sent, a letter to my parents. That letter is still being tossed in my face on a regular basis (Mommy dearest sent me a Xeroxed copy just last year. I hadn't read it in 7 years, but you know what? I still agreed with everything I wrote in it!)
It started an ugly cycle. Letters, replies, it all culminated when I left the Borg and my mother said exactly the same things that yours said to you. I remember how bad that stings.
She still says them at times. "I hope that sweet girl who was always the first one up and ready for assemblies is still in there somewhere." etc etc.
I think when it comes to your reply that you should just think about it carefully for a little while, then do what you feel is right for you. Some need to free themselves by clearing the air. Some folks believe it isn't worth the expended emotional energy to do so or that being mild is the best response.
Only you can know what point you are at in your life. Do I regret writing the letter that "broke my mother's heart?" No, it all needed to be said back then. But when I deal with her now, and she starts spewing WT garbage, what do I say? Just "I love you Mom." and leave it at that. She won't ever listen to my position or understand it, she's too programmed. So I have to just leave it alone.
I've found that she is a lot less combative when I simply refuse to engage her. It's taken a long time but she finally realizes now that if she tries to argue, it gets her nowhere.
Anyway I hope I'm making sense. I hope that you can come to a point where you are at peace with the situation.
Don't let them poison your peace. No matter what they say or do, you know in your heart the kind of man you are. We all do. She doesn't know how to love you as a mother should, she was never taught. It's like asking someone blind from birth to describe a sunrise. They can't do it.
Babbling here...sorry. I've come such a long way in the parental struggle in the past 3 months and it has absolutely nothing to do with how my parents act. I had to get straight with myself about it.
E mail me if you need to talk or want to know about books/stuff that helped me. You and your family are always in my thoughts.