To Rem:
I get a sick feeling while reading some of these posts because it just provides even more evidence of how gullible
we can be.
Why does reading differing opinions make you feel sick? Is it that important for everyone to share
your viewpoint?
I guess it makes people feel good or special
This is an assumption on your part. Can you know, for certain, how I feel unless you ask me? These experiences
have made me feel neither different, good, nor special. They just occurred.
You put everyone who responded to this thread into groups: believers and nonbelievers. That sounds like
JW reasoning to me. You have all the reasons to justify your beliefs, not allowing room for others
to believe differently, or, of course, they must be wrong. Which is shown in this quote:
And once someone brings up doubt or scientific research on the subject that does not coincide with that belief, that
person is castigated as if there is something wrong with him! You only allow information that affirms your beliefs, but don’t
take into account evidence that shows flaws in the belief.
Castigated? You just said before that reading my beliefs, and those of others in this thread made you sick. Isn't
that you, castigating the rest of us? I am not saying you're wrong. I didn't say Jan was wrong. I just said
our opinions differ and we should be able to express that without being disrespectful to each other.
I respect your opinion, as I have said to Jan and would say to all the others who view things more
scientifically. To me, this thread is not even about the topic of esp or whatever anymore.
To me this thread has become a prime example of intolerance for the beliefs of others, when
they differ from your own. I will not participate in such a debate over who has more evidence and
such, because everyone's reality is different. You've surely heard the phrase "Your focus determines your
reality." That quote was restated to me by my neurologist, who I assure you is probably the most
single-mindedly scientific gentleman I have ever met.
I am simply saying that I respect you and wish that you could express your varying opinion without telling
anyone that they 'make you sick'.
If I wanted to be among people who believed that way, I would go
back to the Kingdom Hall, and to my family. Instead I am seeking a life of tolerance: where I don't
need to be right, and my opinion is no more, or less valid than my fellowmans.
If we all believed the same things, the world would be dreadfully boring. Diversity is what makes things
interesting. Thank you for taking the time to share your viewpoint with us.
Have a peaceful day :)
The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best