((((sparkplug)))) she is in a safe place - you made sure of that by checking out the homes properly. So maybe (u prob wont :) ) u can relax a bit, take a day for yourself and then go see her, maybe don't take your daughter until your mom is settled in more.
Posts by mia_b
My mom was Kidnapped By the FBI Today She told Me F@#$ OFF!!
by Sparkplug inso friday my brother and i found a nursing home for my mom to stay at.
it was a very hard thing to do.
he had me go hunting.
Then and now, your journey on JWD
by greendawn inwhen you compare the way you feel now as members of this forum with how you felt on your early days here what sort of thoughts and feelings come up?
what was your journey here like?
for me i have gone a long way, when i came here i loathed typing long posts, and hardly knew how to go about forums i was basically a forum virgin.
I'm still at the start of my journey but having other people at different stages of the journey around me is great.
Payback! This time it's for real!
by Swan inhi folks.
haven't posted in a while, but i wanted to tell you how my bad karma caught up to me this weekend.
i was sleeping in on saturday morning after a bad bout of insomnia.
Yeah - i was rubbish when they last came round too - but it was 1st visit in 3 yrs and just 2 lads so i wud hav been mean to say anything other than not interested. wish i could plant a seed of doubt in someone but im not that clever.
by badboy inits says in many charity commission bits that jw congregation have submitted that they provide care and counselling.. what types is that?.
A lot of counselling but not much care!
"Apostates end up bitter and angry"
by XBEHERE ini actually attended the bookstudy on friday, don't ask me why.
anyway the revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. .
the comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant.
I was v. bitter and angry. MY hubby says I still am. He does agree I'm getting a little better! But I'm holding out for the light at the end of the tunnel - I will get my brain round stuff one day. And at least im HAPPPY for the first time in my life even if that is mixed with bitterness and anger :D
by garybuss inhttp://www.lulu.com/content/340079.
a people for his name.
by tony wills.
I do consider reading some of the books recommended by various people but wouldn't dare in case my mom (jw, lovely lady) saw them and that would open a can of worms. Maybe i ought to see if any library stocks em and read them there! That book looks really interesting - i may get it and hide it! lol
Sorry if I offended anyone
by BFD ini had posted this topic under a different screen name but the name was deemed offensive and removed from jwd.
if my old screen name offeneded anyone, please accept my apology.
it was unintentional.
Welcome to the forum, i never saw your old alias so wasnt offended.
Do JW's still believe this?
by ctrx ini remember overhearing a discussion my parents had in the mid 1970's.
it was about who would be resurrected after armageddon.
supposedly, those who heard of "the truth" and rejected it were dead forever, but those who had never had a chance to hear it would be resurrected for a second chance to submit to jehovah/the watchtower society.. .
I think that is what they still believe, that is certainly the belief i had (up to 4 years ago anyhow). i remember my sister (now pioneer) complaining that someone could live however they wanted and if they never found out about the truth they could be resurected and she had to live the way she did because she knew the truth.
as far as i knew if someone was given the opportunity to know the truth and didnt want to then they would not be resurrected, this did not mean the people who said "not interested" without knowing what they weren't interested in but people who knew and still werent interested.
i was also under the impression that most clergy would not be resurrected because they knew the truth about the bible but kept it from the lay people.
Views of worldy folk as a witness
by fifi40 ini bring this subject up because personally i dont get it.. i have noticed that some posters use words such as 'evil' or 'stinking goats' to describe the view (either their own adopted view or that of the jw org) they had of worldly people whilst a jehovahs witness.. the reason i find this difficult to understand is because i never felt that way toward 'people of the world' whislt being a believer of of the teachings of the jw organisation.
and i didnt pick up on it being rammed down my throat by the org either.
now i wonder if i was ignorant of something, not paying enough attention or if it is just each individuals approach toward life that makes the difference.. what were your views of 'people of the world and why?.
i was taught that "although they may SEEM nice, but they have different morals and belief and you may be tainted by them"
essentially they may seem ok but really they're bad.
i was encouraged to not have any worldy friends or to attend any after school activities or clubs becasue it was unnecessary association. i had one friend at school and was encouraged not to spend time with her outside of school.
its sad because i ended up having no real interest in people - i dont know whether that fault was mine but it sure wasnt helped by being told they were bad associations. i feel v guilty that i took so little interest in ppl when i was younger, i could hav been a much nicer person.
Are parents allowed in their teenagers judicial meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ina 16 year old girl was recently disfellowshipped from my congregation.
i was told by some busybodies that she had a ''wordly'' boyfriend and that she committed fornication.now she sits home alone while her parents attend 3 meetings per week.. my questions are:did the elders meet with the parents first to let them know what the offense was?
were her parents told what the judicial meeting would be about and how it works?
I don't know but I'd figure that they could say that as the child was mature enough to get baptised they know the consequences of their actions, even if they're 10....or 16 in the case in question.
How many youths do people know who are mature at 18 let alone 16? It would be much kinder if the borg could say - "they were obviously not mature" and the baptism gets recinded/cancelled/anulled kindathing and they're treated like a nonbaptised person of the same age would be if they made a mistake.
That would save so much heartache