When I was still a JW, I felt there was something not quite right with the way elders seemed to be favored over the rank and file, but I could never really put my finger on it. The feeling was palpable, though.
Then after I left, I discovered that there was a special rule for elders who had committed serious sins in the past. Basically, even if they didn't confess, they could remain elders so long as enough time had passed and the "holy spirit showed its approval" or some such nonsense.
There is also the fact that the elders would agree to send money to the WT every assembly and not tell the rank and file about it (artificially inflated deficits every assembly).
And the fact that a select number of elders were aware of the kickbacks (free rooms) received by the WT in exchange for funneling the rank and file into select hotels. The rank and file couldn't be trusted with this information, so they were just guilted into using the WT approved list.
Disdain for the rank and file pervades the entire WT organization. It reminds me of a quote from Crisis of Conscience where Ray Franz quotes another governing body member as saying something along the lines of "the flock can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves" when Ray suggested that a certain matter be left up to each individual's conscience.