Is it possible to take a video that is on youtube and just use small portions of it? How? What software would I need? (yes, this is for class but I want to just use a few minutes of an hour long video on cults.)
JoinedPosts by Georgiegirl
Help! Editing Utube videos
by Georgiegirl inis it possible to take a video that is on youtube and just use small portions of it?
what software would i need?
(yes, this is for class but i want to just use a few minutes of an hour long video on cults.
Man Vs. Woman---The Organization's View
by minimus inwomen in the "truth" are considered lower than men or even male children!
for years, females couldn't give talks in the ministry school.
now, interperters who are female must wear a head covering as if they were teaching, mot merely repeating for fear they might offend the angels!.
Wow. Must be Halloween...bringing out the trolls.
Relationships after "The Truth"
by Cthulhu ini just saw the last thread started by highdose about her date with the nonwitness gentleman (and you have both my congratulations as well as best wishes).
but then it occured to me as a single guy that i have had very little luck in the dating department since leaving the cult.
i understand why, to a large degree, this can be a problem for folks after they have had their minds and social skills depleated.
And - where would a woman who is both attractive and intellectually stimulating hang out? Are you hanging out there?
Relationships after "The Truth"
by Cthulhu ini just saw the last thread started by highdose about her date with the nonwitness gentleman (and you have both my congratulations as well as best wishes).
but then it occured to me as a single guy that i have had very little luck in the dating department since leaving the cult.
i understand why, to a large degree, this can be a problem for folks after they have had their minds and social skills depleated.
Let me turn it back around - what about you would be appealing? What personal work have you done to make yourself into the kind of guy that a woman who is both attractive and intellectually stimulating would want to date?
Most JW guys are trained to think that by merely "spiritual" or by "reaching out" they automatically become desirable marriage material (and sadly, in the organization, that is often the case). They can be absolute a**es but if they are a pioneer, or MS or elder (gasp!) they are "HOT". Doesn't work in the world. They are a bit more picky because they can be.
To Current and Former Elders
by Styxx ini wanted to say a few things to current and former elders.
it was really a post by alltimejeff on 10/1/2009 that got me thinking about this and i address a few things that he says here.
but i dont want to single him out because i really think that he is typical of many, and he did in fact apologize for his actions at the end of his post.
Yikes. No kidding. Do you even know anything at all about him besides that particular post? I'm sorry you were so hurt and that's why many are here on this board. Coming out with both barrels smoking isn't going to win you anything however. You said you didn't want to single him out and then proceeded to do so.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt since you appear to be very hurt and angry, welcome.
Not without my daughters
by IronHill inanyone remember that movie?
sally field playing an abused wife trying to leave iran with her daughter?
my current situation reminds me of that movie.. ok a little background.... i have two beautiful daughters from a previous marriage.
If you have them half a week, can you make your half the half that includes the one nightly meeting and Saturdays and Sundays? (not sure how it works). That would avoid any indoctrination via meetings and field service.
Not without my daughters
by IronHill inanyone remember that movie?
sally field playing an abused wife trying to leave iran with her daughter?
my current situation reminds me of that movie.. ok a little background.... i have two beautiful daughters from a previous marriage.
I agree. Honestly, the fact is that it isn't easy to come back. Depending on how long she's been out, she would have to make EVERY meeting and show genuine repentance, etc etc before she was reinstated. AND she'd have to attend on those days WITH the girls and NO outside help since she is df'd. The chances of her being able to make it back aren't huge. Secondly, by the time she did, you'd have another year of helping your daughters since you are able to have them regularly. They will see the difference in the two households. I know you are angry, but from the outside looking in, I don't think you have much to worry about with losing your daughters to the organization.
Former JW Survey
by Opus92 ini'm trying to gather data on ex-jws to analyze for a statistics class.
i'd appreciate it if you'd click the link and take my short survey.
it's only 7 questions and is anonymous.. .
Ha! I'm taking stats right now so you've got the sympathy factor on my end! Took the survey.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
Wow. You're about to be in for a huge roller coaster. I certainly can't tell you what to do and everyone needs to approach this in their own way, but is hitting your parents and wife with a 1 year plus of research all at once going to be the best approach? Imagine if you were still mind controlled and got hit all at'd go into major defense mode and would completely shut down. Again, you know the people involved intimately and I don't, but I fear for your relationships if you go all Apostate Samurai on their as**es. ;)
As far as your other answers - I have no idea. I don't really consider myself a "christian" anymore and don't believe that the bible is the ONLY book with any spiritual value.
I hope it works well for you.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
EXACTLY what leavingwt just said - I think he said it much better! :)